Statement by Togo

Unofficial summary provided by United Nations Press Service

KODJO MENAN (Togo) said the dedication of the Assembly to peace was justified by the present state of the world with its proliferation of terrorism and weapons. Peacekeeping operations showed what a key role the United Nations had to play. At the national level, especially in Africa, countries were setting up structures to strengthen peace. For example, the African Union’s creation of a Peace and Security Council and the Peer Review Mechanism demonstrated Africa’s efforts to take control of its own destiny. Sight should not be lost, however, of how important it was to further strengthen bonds between the United Nations and regional organizations. The Peacebuilding Commission was a considerable achievement, and should be established soon.

Among the efforts of the United Nations system, he singled out UNESCO’s programmes to promote dialogue among civilizations and a culture of peace, especially following the “9/11” terrorist attacks. Within countries, UNESCO should keep trying to ensure that people heeded values of tolerance, respect for others, and cultural diversity. The actions of the United Nations, especially in the areas of education, human rights and democracy, could only succeed with Government support. After President Faure Gnassingbe was elected a few months ago, he created a historical reflection and rehabilitation commission, which would help rehabilitate those who had played a decisive role in Togo’s political history. That was key in enhancing national reconciliation and unity.

Besides preventing war, the culture of peace should have as its goal ensuring the well-being of peoples. For the more than half of the world’s population living on less than $1 a day, peace meant, first and foremost, to live without want. Support from development partners in reaching the Millennium Goals by 2015 was essential.