Posted: Mar. 22 2010,11:11 |
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PRIORITIES: All of the organization's domains of culture of peace activity |
TOP PRIORITY: The organization's most important culture of peace activity |
PARTNERSHIPS AND NETWORKS: What partnerships and networks does your organization participate in, thus strengthening the global movement for a culture of peace?
See website
ACTIONS: What activities have been undertaken by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the ten years of the Decade? If you already made a report in 2005, your information from 2005 will be included in the 2010 report.
General Santos City: Muslims, Christians and Indigenous representatives gathered for prayers, lighting of candles and a planting of pinwheels. Laguna: St. Michael’s College of Laguna organized a Peace ceremony with a bell ringing, a release of white balloons with prayers and messages of Peace, and a Peace concert.
Manila: "Aqua Drumming for Peace" event, in attendance were street kids of Pangarap Foundation and their mentors, and Unitiima percussion group. Pasig: Peace concert at Guerilla Radio Bar, organized by Unitiima.
Quezon City: 100+ attended school-wide communal prayers at St. Joseph’s College. 300+ in Loyola Heights attended cultural performances & interfaith prayers by youth representatives, organized by Peacemakers Circle Foundation, URI SEAP, Peace NGO partners, staff from the Office of Presidential Adviser on Peace Process, World March for Peace and Nonviolence, and The Generation Peace Network (blog). 100 attended an open mic "Poetry for Peace" session organized by Lahi Events Team and Unitiima. Students at General Roxas Elementary School participated in a poster-making contest.
Tagaytay City: 800 celebrated at Mater Dei Academy with a Peace Walk, a Peace Circle, Peace presentations and more.
The 3rd Annual International Day of Peace Celebration through World Music was held at Our Father‟s Café in Manila. Organizers were LAHI Events Team and featured artists were: Kadangyan, Sruvaleh, Unitiima, Klub Kumag and Space Flower Show.
Balay Mindanaw Group of NGOs organized an event in Cagayan de Oro City with 80 people in attendance to uphold civil liberties and oppose the human security act.
Community Development Foundation A group of 25 in Jacobabad organized a peace event.
Educators-Students Peace Advocates (ESPA) 100 people participated in an Interfaith Peace Awareness Program in Zamboanga Sibugay which included seminars and workshops for peace advocates.
Fleur-de-lys Centre for Peace, Inc. An event called “Mindanao Cries for Peace!” was organized for 300 in attendance including Digos City officials, Rotary Club of Digos and other organizations in Digos City from September 19th to the 21st. The event featured a releasing of doves, an inter-faith prayer at the Quezon Memorial Circle and the signing of the Digos City “Peace Declaration.
Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Commission of the Association of Major Religious Superiors in the Philippines (JPICC-AMRSP) An Interfaith celebration on Peace Day was held at the Environmental Studies Institute in Miriam college in Quezon City. Nearly 200 people from dozens of interfaith and peace organizations attended the event which included a musical celebration, prayers, meditation, chanting, songs and dances from various spiritual traditions.
Metro Dumaguete Roadrunners Club A group of 15 in Duamguete City celebrated with a clean-up drive, community meals, gift-giving, a cultural exhibit, an interfaith peace prayer rallyand a peace run.
The Peacemakers Circle Foundation, Inc in Quezon City hosted the day with nearly 200 people attending the event, celebrating peace through a symphony of prayer, meditation, chant, song, and dance from a plethora of diverse spiritual traditions. The conference hall was filled with the colors of different faiths, as representatives, in street clothes, school uniforms, habits, hijabs, robes, kimonos, ethnic beads, batiks and turbans from all walks of life joined the event. The evening was capped with the reading of the UN Secretary General's official message of International Day of Peace 2007 and the World Peace Prayer ceremony, lead by WPPS representative, Mr. Toots Fungo. Co-organizers were United Religions Initiative (URI) and World Peace Prayer Society (WPPS).
Service for Peace in the Philippines, Service for Peace Club and Wesleyan University – Philippines A Peace Concert was held in the University Gymnasium in Cabanatuan City. Preceding the concert was a worship service, campus clean-up drive, a formation of a peace symbol display and a minute of silence. The Mayor of Cabantuan and the Wesleyan University Philippines President signed a proclamation for peace.
World Forum for Democratization in Asia organzied a conference for 100 people in Manila, which concluded with an Interfaith Prayer for Peace and Democracy and the adoption of a joint declaration on democracy and peace.
A group of 4 in Zamboanga City participated in a peace vigil.
Franciscan Movement for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (FMJPIC) joined the interfaith Liturgical Celebration and Procession on September 21, at Liwasang Aurora, Quezon City Circle. Before the procession, there was an opening with different Peace booths. Some of the objectives of the event were to raise public awareness of International Day of Peace, make September 21 a gathering and celebration of Peace advocates, continuously challenge people to pray and work for Peace and celebrate the achievements and contributions made so far by Peacebuilders.
Lahi Productions is group of young professionals and individuals whose aim is to provide aspiring world musicians and artists the chance to express themselves through different forms of art and to help promote Peace and unity in the Philippines. On September 23, the group organized an event in Quezon City, entitled “Rhymes for Peace: a Celebration for the International Day of Peace”. Musicians, painters, photographers, poets and other artists participated, as well as students, teachers and other professionals.
Service For Peace Throughout the Philippines, more than 3000 volunteers participated in IDP observances and contributed more than 15000 hours of community service. Over 2000 participants gathered at the San Andres Sports Complex and Civic Center to launch a full day of activities. College students from Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology and the Polytechnic University of the Philippines were mentors for local high schools in Manila. They stopped activities at 12 noon to pause for a moment of reflection and prayer, the ringing of a Peace bell, lighting Peace candles and releasing Peace balloons.
United Religions Initiative (URI) The 2005 Peace Day celebrations in Manila, Philippines, were entitled “Moving in Solidarity towards Peace”. They brought together religious groups from diverse faith traditions, non-profit organizations from various sectors of society and students from different schools and universities. Some of the convening partners of the event were World Peace Prayer Society, The Peacemakers’ Circle, the Association of Major Religious Superiors in the Philippines, the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, the Task Force Detainees of the Philippines, Urban Missionaries, and the Women and Gender Commission. The activities began with ringing of the Peace Bell at 2pm, followed by interfaith prayers. At 4pm, the program continued with welcome remarks from the President of the park and reflections and blessings of Peace offered by leaders of faith groups. A representative of the UN information Center graced the occasion and read the UN statement to the outdoor assembly. One of the highlights of the celebration was the prayer for all countries of the world, where the flags of all 191 countries of the world waved in the afternoon breeze. Songs, dances and reflections on Peace were shared with all who participated. As dusk turned to night candles were lit and a procession began while participants sang “Make Me a Channel of your Peace”.
PROGRESS: Has your organization seen progress toward a culture of peace and nonviolence in your domain of action and in your constituency during the second half of the Decade? |
On a global level, reported events for the International Day of Peace continue to grow year after year (see the website listed above):
In the 2005 Report, 155 Peace Day events in 47 countries are presented.
The 2007 records show that: * We had 623 commitments across the world * 70 countries * 225 cities (outside of the USA) * 42 US states * An estimate of nearly 500,000 participants * An average of 500 people per event
2009 annual report listed 700+ events
OBSTACLES: Has your organization faced any obstacles to implementing the culture of peace and nonviolence? If so, what were they?
not reported
PLANS: What new engagements are planned by your organization in the short, medium and long term to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence?
The International Day of Peace is an annual event.
GLOBAL MOVEMENT: How do you think the culture of peace and nonviolence could be strengthened and supported at the world level??
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