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Organization: Cluster Munition Coalition
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Posted: April 26 2010,12:31 If you wrote this report, you will find a button here that you may click
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Postal address of organization/institution

Cluster Munition Coalition, 2nd Floor, 89 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7TP

E-mail address of organization/institution


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Telephone of organization/institution

+44 (0) 207 256 9500

PRIORITIES: All of the organization's domains of culture of peace activity


TOP PRIORITY: The organization's most important culture of peace activity


PARTNERSHIPS AND NETWORKS: What partnerships and networks does your organization participate in, thus strengthening the global movement for a culture of peace?

The CMC works through its members to change government policy and practice on cluster munitions – especially through promoting universal adherence to and full compliance with the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions – as well as to raise public awareness of the problem and the ban treaty through civil society campaigns and the media. Around 350 CMC member organisations in some 90 countries work on disarmament, peace and security, human rights, victim/survivor assistance, clearance, women’s rights, faith issues and other related issues. Members include large international NGOs such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch as well as smaller nationally based organisations such as the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society and the Afghan Campaign to Ban Landmines.  See the following for full list: http://stopclustermunitions.org/the-coalition/members

ACTIONS: What activities have been undertaken by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the ten years of the Decade? If you already made a report in 2005, your information from 2005 will be included in the 2010 report.


Nov. 13 The Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC) is launched in The Hague, Netherlands at a conference hosted by Pax Christi Netherlands.

Dec. 11 HRW launches report, Off Target: The Conduct of the War and Civilian Casualties in Iraq


Mar. 82 NGO participants from 21 countries gather at a CMC campaign workshop hosted by DanChurchAid on the margins of a conference on cluster munitions in the Danish Parliament.


Pax Christi Netherlands launches report, Cluster Weapons: Necessity or Convenience?

April. Following a joint briefing by Human Rights Watch, Netwerk Vlaanderen, the Norwegian Petroleum Fund and Handicap International (HI) Belgium, Senator Mahoux introduces a bill into the Belgian parliament that bans “fragmentation bombs”. The bill is amended to ban “submunitions”.

Fall HI Belgium mobilizes in Belgium to support the parliamentary process to ban cluster munitions. CMC campaigners support efforts through a global letter writing campaign to Belgian parliamentarians.


Feb. 16 Belgian parliament passes first national law in the world banning cluster munitions.

Aug. 30 CMC hosts a CCW (Convention on Conventional Weapons) briefing on the impact of cluster munitions in Lebanon.

Pax Christi Netherlands launches report, Cluster Weapons: Necessity or Convenience?

Nov. 8-9 CMC hosts an international meeting for campaigners in Geneva.


Feb. 22 Landmine Action launches report, Cluster Munitions in Kosovo: Analysis of use, contamination and casualties.

Feb. 28 Netwerk Vlaanderen issues report, Explosive Investments, Financial Institutions and Cluster Munitions.

Feb. 22-23 Norway hosts the Oslo Conference on Cluster Munitions, where 46 states agree an “Oslo Declaration” committing them to conclude an international treaty on cluster munitions in 2008.

May Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) launches report, Yellow Killers: The impact of cluster munitions in Serbia and Montenegro.

May Handicap International Belgium launches report, Circle of Impact: The Fatal Footprint of Cluster Munitions on People and Communities.

Nov. 5 The CMC calls its first Global Day of Action to Ban Cluster Bombs, in which campaigners in 40 countries take action.


Feb. 16 HRW launches report, Flooding South Lebanon: Israel’s Use of Cluster Munitions in Lebanon in July and August 2008.

Apr. 19 The second Global Day of Action to Ban Cluster Bombs is held, with actions taken by campaigners in 53 countries.

May 30 A total of 107 states adopt the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions on the final day of the Dublin negotiations. The CMC and Mines Action Canada launch the “People’s Treaty” petition.

Aug. 13 CMC members hold candlelight vigils and other actions to mark the second year since the cluster bombing of South Lebanon.

Aug-Sep. CMC members protest Georgia and Russia’s use of cluster bombs in South Ossetia.

Oct. 1 The ‘Ban Bus’ begins its eight-week-long awareness-raising journey from Belgrade to Oslo.

Oct. 27 The CMC calls its first Global Week of Action to Ban Cluster Bombs, in which campaigners in 74 countries take action.

Oct. 29-30 A European Faith Leaders Conference on Cluster Munitions is held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Dec. 3-4 Norway hosts the Oslo Signing Conference for the Convention on Cluster Munitions, attended by 122 states. A total of 94 states sign the Convention in Oslo in front of a CMC delegation of 250 campaigners.


Mar. 10 Norwegian People's Aid launches report, The Impact of unexploded cluster munitions in Serbia.

Apr. 14 Human Rights Watch launches report, A Dying Practice: Use of Cluster Munitions by Russia and Georgia in August 2008.

May 1 Cluster bomb survivor Branislav Kapetanovic accepts the Tipperary International Peace Award in Ireland on behalf of the CMC.

May 29 Landmine Action and Human Rights Watch launch report published by Landmine Monitor, Banning Cluster Munitions: Government Policy and Practice.

May 29 The CMC calls its second Global Week of Action Against Cluster Bombs, with campaigners in 58 countries taking action.

PROGRESS: Has your organization seen progress toward a culture of peace and nonviolence in your domain of action and in your constituency during the second half of the Decade?

The following is adapted from remarks by CMC Coordinator, Thomas Nash on the lessons learned from the CMC campaign:

In early 2006 few people believed a ban on clusters was possible, or even a specific law restricting their use; but less than four years later we have a global ban treaty signed by 103 countries.

We had to be ready when progress was difficult to use the time wisely to build strength and reach of network and depth of case and intellectual framework

We doubled size of membership between 2003-2006; doubled again from 2007-2008.

Key reports were made by Rappert, Nash, Moyes 2005-2006.

Informal meetings between key players on the NGO, State and IO side took place in early 2006 – building a community of practice.

We took full advantage of opportunities when they arose:

The Belgium ban process in 2005-06 and use of clusters in Lebanon in 2006 saw significant mobilisation by campaigners, media, researchers, etc.

Once the opportunity arose we moved fast and kept up the momentum; we had an external deadline to help keep up the pace.  This is crucial in order to maintain a sense of humanitarian urgency – we are not going to spend years in negotiations while people are being killed and injured.

The period from the Lebanon conflict to the adoption of CCM was less than two years.

OBSTACLES: Has your organization faced any obstacles to implementing the culture of peace and nonviolence? If so, what were they?

Not reported

PLANS: What new engagements are planned by your organization in the short, medium and long term to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence?

The following is excerpted from the Action Plan prepared by the Cluster Munitions Coalition (CMC) for the First Meeting of States Parties on the Convention on Cluster Munitions December 2009 (updated in March 2010) Cartagena, Colombia.

The CMC views rapid entry into force and securing further signatures to the Convention on Cluster Munitions key objectives in advance of the First Meeting of States Parties. The CMC will call on all governments to participate in the 1MSP. We, as campaigners, have identified the following objectives:

1) Urge all signatory countries to ratify the Convention on Cluster Munitions and to quickly secure the 30 ratifications needs for entry into force;

2) Push for more governments to sign the Convention;

3) Ensure that Lao PDR holds a successful First Meeting of States Parties (1MSP);

4) Encourage all governments to begin early implementation of the Convention.

GLOBAL MOVEMENT: How do you think the culture of peace and nonviolence could be strengthened and supported at the world level??

The following excerpts from the remarks  by CMC Coordinator, Thomas Nash on the lessons learned from the CMC campaign are quite applicable to the Global Movement for a Culture of Peace in general:

1. Believe it’s possible:  even when critics and mainstream observers say the task is impossible, including your allies, it’s crucial to have leadership that truly believes the goal is achievable and necessary; without this it’s hard to succeed.

2. Be ready: when progress is difficult use the time wisely to build strength and reach of network and depth of case and intellectual framework; take full advantage of opportunities when they arise.

3. Move fast: once the opportunity arises, move fast and keep up the momentum; have an external deadline to help keep up the pace;  with momentum you can foster a sense of inevitability of the outcome, stay on the front foot and keep opponents on the back foot.

4. Dominate the data: Important not to overstate the case, a conservative picture of the case is bad enough, don’t give opponents any openings to attack you work with.

5. Set the terms of the debate: not necessary to win an argument you are presented with; better to reframe the problem in a way that gives you the upper hand.

6. Constant focus on the human impact: maintain a human focus in your arguments, communications, representatives, materials; this makes it possible to keep the standard high and challenge others to reach it, rather than lowering the bar to allow others to meet it.

7. Leadership from those directly affected

8. Build a powerful coalition by being:

* Coordinated: have a common message that every member feels compelled to promote based on their own values and interests

* Diverse: across regions, linguistic groups, cultures, interest groups, gender balance, etc.

* Inclusive: listen to the voices of the members; have a link between the membership and the governance / leadership; be driven by the members

* 'Affiliative': leadership should foster a sense of belonging by understanding the interests, approaches and contexts of members, promoting shared interests, rather than laying down the approach for all members to follow

* Cooperative: coalitions should share the work and use the skills of the different member organisations and individuals

9. Foster strategic partnerships: key individuals from States and International Organisations; forge partnerships with parliamentarians, faith leaders, academics, journalists, other interest groups; Recognise the importance of individuals, personalities and relationships – sometimes the personal relationship is more important than the policy.

10. Do a lot with a little: CMC budget was quite small: only one fulltime staff person until beginning of 2007, now five fulltime; never had budget for mass public mobilisation so focused on supporting members (including small grants) and maximising strategic moments like key conferences, etc.
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Organization: Cluster Munition Coalition

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