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Posted: Dec. 07 2009,06:14 If you wrote this report, you will find a button here that you may click
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+356 99255559

PRIORITIES: All of the organization's domains of culture of peace activity


TOP PRIORITY: The organization's most important culture of peace activity


PARTNERSHIPS AND NETWORKS: What partnerships and networks does your organization participate in, thus strengthening the global movement for a culture of peace?

ILGA-Europe and IGLYO as well as ENAR and EAPN

ACTIONS: What activities have been undertaken by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the ten years of the Decade? If you already made a report in 2005, your information from 2005 will be included in the 2010 report.

The organisation of annual awareness raising events called Diverscity Week, generally held in July of each year that includes a PRIDE March, an LGBT Film Festival and a WomenSpace event.
Lobbying for the correct implementation of the EU Employment Framework Directive; Two surveys on harassment and discrimination experienced by the LGBT community in Malta one conducted in 2002 and the other in 2008; The hosting of the ILGA-Europe Annual Conference in 2009; The setting up of a National Gay Helpline in 2004; Constant lobbying for LGBT rights with politicians and policy makers; Research into the difficulties faced by the transgender community and lobbying for access to health services for transsexuals; training provided to various bodies such as the Employment and Training Corporation, School Counsellors; teachers; HR Managers and students in social work; education and human rights; participation in a number of TV and radio programmes helping to raise awareness and educate the general public on LGBT issues; the publication of a number of letters and articles in local newspapers also helping to address homophobia and transphobia.

PROGRESS: Has your organization seen progress toward a culture of peace and nonviolence in your domain of action and in your constituency during the second half of the Decade?

Awareness of LGBT issues has improved as has tolerance and acceptance of the LGBT community although legislative change continues to elude us. There is currently no legal recognition of same-sex partnerships in Malta and this leads to discrimination in many spheres of life, including parenting, taxation, social security benefits, access to healthcare, next of kin rights, etc. There is also no anti-discrimination protection on the ground of sexual orientation in the provision of goods and services; No hormone therapy or gender reassignment surgery is available on the National Health Service for transsexuals and the changing of identity documents to reflect the preferred gender remains difficult to obtain for many transgender indidviduals.

OBSTACLES: Has your organization faced any obstacles to implementing the culture of peace and nonviolence? If so, what were they?

The lack of political will to implement legal and policy changes that are needed to guarantee equality. A lack of the clear separation between Church and State. The Maltese Constitution still declares the Roman Catholic Religion as the official religion of Malta. Lack of access to schools to raise awareness on LGBT issues such as homophobic bullying and coming out. Lack of access to core funding that would enable the organisation to increase its activities and provide more comprehensive services.

PLANS: What new engagements are planned by your organization in the short, medium and long term to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence?

The MGRM is currently drawing up a strategic plan for the period 2010 to 2015 and a workplan for 2010. Short and medium term goals include sustaining current services and projects such as the National Gay Helpline, Diverscity Week and training services. Also the production of 6 short spots on LGBT issues; Long term goals include marriage equality and access to gender reassignment for trans people. Also the introduction of anti-discrimination in the provision of goods and services as currently exists for the ground of race/ethnicity; and the introduction of hate crime legislation for homophobic motivated crime.

GLOBAL MOVEMENT: How do you think the culture of peace and nonviolence could be strengthened and supported at the world level??

World leaders taking a more active role in promoting human rights; More funding to grass roots organisations for them to be able to effect change; better education in schools with more inclusive curricula and policies; public campaigns that educate society to decrease resistance to the introduction of equality policies;
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