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Organization: The Grameen Bank
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Posted: May 17 2010,11:54 If you wrote this report, you will find a button here that you may click
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Postal address of organization/institution

Grameen Bank Bhaban, Mirpur - 2, Dhaka -1216, Bangladesh

E-mail address of organization/institution


Website address of organization/institution


Telephone of organization/institution

(880-2) 8011138

PRIORITIES: All of the organization's domains of culture of peace activity


TOP PRIORITY: The organization's most important culture of peace activity


PARTNERSHIPS AND NETWORKS: What partnerships and networks does your organization participate in, thus strengthening the global movement for a culture of peace?

Grameen Bank, in coordination with Grameen Trust jointly organize Programs a year for potential replications of the Grameen model throughout the world. The Dialogue is intended to provide an immersion into the Grameen milieu, to assist in the design of Grameen type credit programs, and to share the experiences of implementing and adopting the Grameen Bank approach.

Participants in the dialogues are generally potential replicators, the founders and/or chief executive of institutions who are in a position to take decisions on behalf of their organizations, regarding Grameen replication in their own contexts. Currently 38 countries are replicating Grameen model that not only emphasizes on giving out loans to poor people but also focuses on other basic needs like healthcare, education, shelter which are the basic indicators of peace.

Also the Yunus Centre which is the hub for Grameen Social Businesses has been networking all over the world to spread the concept. This centre is created to inter-connect all of the initiatives taken in various countries within various structural formats, such as, Institutes of Social Business,  Grameen Creative Labs, Yunus Centres, Yunus Chairs, Social Business Chairs, Social Action Groups, Social Business Design Centres, Social Business Funds, healthcare initiatives, environmental initiatives, etc.

ACTIONS: What activities have been undertaken by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the ten years of the Decade? If you already made a report in 2005, your information from 2005 will be included in the 2010 report.

(from http://www.grameen-info.org -> Methodology  Breaking the vicious cycle of poverty through microcredit )

The Grameen Bank is based on the voluntary formation of small groups of five people to provide mutual, morally binding group guarantees in lieu of the collateral required by conventional banks. At first only two members of a group are allowed to apply for a loan. Depending on their performance in repayment the next two borrowers can then apply and, subsequently, the fifth member as well.
The assumption is that if individual borrowers are given access to credit, they will be able to identify and engage in viable income-generating activities - simple processing such as paddy husking, lime-making, manufacturing such as pottery, weaving, and garment sewing, storage and marketing and transport services. Women were initially given equal access to the schemes, and proved not only reliable borrowers but astute enterpreneurs. As a result, they have raised their status, lessened their dependency on their husbands and improved their homes and the nutritional standards of their children. Today over 90 percent of borrowers are women.
Intensive discipline, supervision, and servicing characterize the operations of the Grameen Bank, which are carried out by "Bicycle bankers" in branch units with considerable delegated authority. The rigorous selection of borrowers and their projects by these bank workers, the powerful peer pressure exerted on these individuals by the groups, and the repayment scheme based on 50 weekly installments, contribute to operational viability to the rural banking system designed for the poor. Savings have also been encouraged. Under the scheme, there is provision for 5 percent of loans to be credited to a group find and Tk 5 is credited every week to the fund.
The success of this approach shows that a number of objections to lending to the poor can be overcome if careful supervision and management are provided. For example, it had earlier been thought that the poor would not be able to find renumerative occupations. In fact, Grameen borrowers have successfully done so. It was thought that the poor would not be able to repay; in fact, repayment rates reached 97 percent. It was thought that poor rural women in particular were not bankable; in fact, they accounted for 94 percent of borrowers in early 1992. It was also thought that the poor cannot save; in fact, group savings have proven as successful as group lending. It was thought that rural power structures would make sure that such a bank failed; but the Grameen Bank has been able to expand rapidly. Indeed, from fewer than 15,000 borrowers in 1980, the membership had grown to nearly 100,000 by mid-1984. By the end of 1998, the number of branches in operation was 1128, with 2.34 million members (2.24 million of them women) in 38,957 villages. There are 66,581 centres of groups, of which 33,126 are women. Group savings have reached 7,853 million taka (approximately USD 162 million), out of which 7300 million taka (approximately USD 152 million) are saved by women.
It is estimated that the average household income of Grameen Bank members is about 50 percent higher than the target group in the control village, and 25 percent higher than the target group non-members in Grameen Bank villages. The landless have benefited most, followed by marginal landowners. This has resulted in a sharp reduction in the number of Grameen Bank members living below the poverty line, 20 percent compared to 56 percent for comparable non-Grameen Bank members. There has also been a shift from agricultural wage labour (considered to be socially inferior) to self-employment in petty trading. Such a shift in occupational patterns has an indirect positive effect on the employment and wages of other agricultural waged labourers. What started as an innovative local initiative, "a small bubble of hope", has thus grown to the point where it has made an impact on poverty alleviation at the national level ".

PROGRESS: Has your organization seen progress toward a culture of peace and nonviolence in your domain of action and in your constituency during the second half of the Decade?

See progress in actions listed above.

OBSTACLES: Has your organization faced any obstacles to implementing the culture of peace and nonviolence? If so, what were they?

Not reported

PLANS: What new engagements are planned by your organization in the short, medium and long term to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence?

GLOBAL MOVEMENT: How do you think the culture of peace and nonviolence could be strengthened and supported at the world level??

Grameen Bank is known for its role in fighting poverty through microcredit. As it recognizes women’s centrality to the poverty alleviation process –as beneficiaries of it and as active agents in promoting it- the bank has a keen awareness of the cultural context, which conditions women’s willingness and ability to respond economic opportunities. We strongly believe that many of the good things that have happened at Grameen are a result of its decision to focus on women and we are definite that the culture of peace and non violence can be strengthened by focusing on women empowerment.
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Organization: The Grameen Bank

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