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Organization: United Human Resource
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PROGRESS: Has your organization seen progress toward a culture of peace and nonviolence in your domain of action and in your constituency during the first half of the Decade?

Awareness Building:

The 'United Human Resource' has come to a conclusion that awareness building is the precondition for development of the people living below the poverty line. That's why; the organization has attached importance to the programs to develop awareness and build the capacity of the rural people. It has already broadly classified its people oriented awareness programs in the following way.

1. Awareness building camps on Sustainable Development in the remote villages in Northeast India.

2. Counseling programs for capacity building for self-employment.

3. Health Awareness Programs and free medical camps for the poor and needy.

4. Integrated Cultural Programs for understanding of diverse culture.

Apart from launching various human resource developmental activities such as Health Awareness Programs, Self-employment Counseling, Integrated Cultural Programs, Awareness Building Camps on Sustainable Development, in the remote villages of Northeast India, UHR has established a development program to encourage the rural poor to produce various handcrafted Eco-friendly articles using indigenous technology.

Impact of the Awareness camps:

Impact of the awareness camps of different duration has already had its impact in the rural areas of the region. The general impacts are as follows:

a. Along with the development of awareness, interest, inquisitiveness of the rural people to know more about the sustainable development programs has been noticed.

b. Lots of rural people have organized themselves into Self Help Groups after being motivated in such programs.

c. People have started analyzing the resources of their respective villages for location specific economic activities as discussed in the camps.

d. Rural people, particularly unemployed youths have been able to understand the importance of a planned, scientific and sustained approach in utilizing the local and natural resources for their self-employment.

e. Rural people have been able to know the scope and profitably of activities in the agriculture and allied sector when taken with a Eco-scientific and commercial approach.

UHR has designed a prospectus outlining the basic principles, project illustrations, photographs of successful related components, technical data and information etc. of its proposed Eco-friendly educational project for presentation to potential supporters.

Given proper implementation, the proposed project of UHR will prove immensely beneficial in so far as the global community is concerned.

OBSTACLES: What are the most important obstacles that have prevented progress?

No one knows how many NGOs are there in India. Probably after the Government NGOs are the largest employers of the educated in the country. Unfortunately most of them have to depend on the Government, because private charity is not enough for funding and internal generating is not possible for all. While the NGOs are like knitted garments, which provide protection and warmth confirming well to individual need, the Government hesitates to co-operate them until and unless they don’t indulge in corruption. Corruption engulfs an NGO at the time of its birth, that is in the “OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR OF SOCIETIES’ (NGO), until it surrenders before the corrupt system or join hands with it. Many NGOs are enjoying Government funds by the grace of corrupt politicians and officials even without their existence. Nevertheless, many NGOs are doing outstanding work, providing social service, which the Government is ill-equipped to undertake. Unfortunately, the entire sector is getting a bad name because corrupt politicians have invaded it.

Though NGOs should be self-serving, self-sacrificing, and self-regulative, in practical, funding is the main to grow an NGO especially in a developing country. It is just impossible to survive for an honest NGO in a country like India as the norms is 30% bribe for grants to be realized, even when the funds are coming from the foreign countries.  In most cases, politicians and their agents swallow the money. The money comes from foreign contribution for environmental issues entered through unaccounted transfers, particularly to religious groups like the VHP, Madrasas and evangelist organizations. There are many more obstructions in the formalities of the corrupt system for a true NGO.

The financial crisis is occurring the major obstruction to run the regular activities of the organization. To set up an Eco-friendly educational project in Northeast India (Assam) UHR is in urgent need of a land area approximately 25 acres costing around US$2000 per acres. Any effort of broad-minded people to invest for this purpose will help UHR to achieve its goal.

ACTIONS: What actions have been undertaken by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the first half of the Decade?


The earth has been stripped of her original beauty and natural calamities like flood, drought and earthquakes – the not so natural phenomenon occurs as man made disaster. The survival of the major population of the world are an impossible dream today and are suffering from psychological distress, the people of the third countries even don’t know the taste of the fruit of freedom, - freedom from hunger, insecurity, injustice and indignity.

Today we see no end to the multifarious forms of social, economical and environmental problems prevalent in India. Numerous corruption, ruthless exploitations, poor education system and exploding population are increasing unemployment and poverty day by day. Massive exploitation of natural resources, environmental rap and ecological crisis, has poisoned the air, ravaged the soil, stripped the forest bare and corrupted the water resources leading to an unsecured future. The country’s education curriculums do not include appreciation of nature, experiential education and understanding of environmental crisis and its effect on us. The problems we are facing today, demands a change of attitudes, values and priorities on a political, cultural and personal level. It requires a bold rethinking of how we relate to each other and our world.

What we need is a proper education system that allows the human potentials to contribute towards a peaceful and healthy world. We believe that an Eco-friendly Education System has a critical role to play in becoming a part of the solution.

With this view, to make the people aware of the grave problems the human family is facing today and also to investigate deep into the matter the UNITED HUMAN RESOURCE (UHR), a revolutionary non-confessional humanitarian social organization was formed in the summer of 2001. UHR is dedicated to launching Human Resource Developmental activities associated with environmental and socioeconomic issues in India. The specific objective of the organization is to constitute the Eco-friendly Education System to impart vocational and technical training in Natural Resource Management to enable individuals to tackle their environment everyday and ensure their survival, sustenance and prosperity. The Eco-friendly Educational Project of UHR will also provide General Education in an environmental context to promote the overall aspects of daily life - Practical, Social, Moral, Aesthetic and Intellectual.

The ‘United Human Resource’ was registered in September 2002 under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 with its registered office at Bhaskargiri, Kharghuli, Guwahati – 781 004, Assam, India.


In the Northeastern part of India most of the unemployed youths are frustrated and leading an uncertain life. Many of them are misguided, wrong directed and misused by the opportunist leaders. Some of them are suffering from psychological distress. In fact they have lost their faith in life due to no way of survival.

Hard work, Dedication, Sincerity, Commitment and a Never ending Zeal to Excel of Mr. Pranab Saikia and active cooperation of some socially responsible elderly people makes it possible to unite some groups of educated unemployed Youths and assemble them under the guidance of a team of experienced persons like retired Agriculture Scientists, Veterinary Professors, Human Doctors and Legal Experts etc. to find a solution of this inhuman situation in the lap of Mother Nature.


Our Mission is to educate the underprivileged youths for their sustainable development and arrange technical and financial support for their self-establishment enhancing their standards of living, general, physical and economical wellbeing. Our democratic struggle "Live and Let Live" will lead the Socioeconomic Revolution demanding the right to survival and right to development of the poor. We are determined to constitute the Eco-Friendly education system for general development of the people and environment. Our vision is of a world where the poor people can realize their full potential as a human being in a society. We are confident that Mother Nature will help us every way as the friend, philosopher, nurse and guide. We know that it is Nature where one can find peace, solace, harmony and tranquility.


Real education is that, which enables one to stand on his own legs. The education that does not help the common mass to equip themselves for the struggle of life, which does not bring out strength of character, does not give the idea of sacrificing for the common wealth, cannot be education. We need that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which future can be secured.

Energy can not be created or destroyed. It can only be directed or diverted. Therefore, we must learn to control the general powers that are already in our hand, to make the whole world our own.

‘Economic development to be ‘Eco and environment friendly’. This is the simple rule of human development. The man has to tackle his environment everyday for his survival, sustenance and prosperity. One should know the trees how they are used for the fuel and energy, for the fruit and food. One has also to know which trees and crops can grow in one’s locality. It is the basic education of a human being to know about features of natural environment, which effects man’s food supply, health and recreation. This is the education, which is indeed very important for children and adults for self-fulfillment and social development. It helps in maintaining life and health, in self-preservation, and in the preservation of human race. Environmental knowledge directs attention towards problems of population explosion, exhaustion of natural resources and the pollution of environment and sheds light on the methods of solving these problems.

The new paradigm of this education system must identify and foster such skills, aptitudes and attitudes furnish both inspiration and the tools to create a more sustainable society.

These skills, aptitude and attitudes include: reconnecting the human with the nature, linking social issues with environmental ones, emphasizing the importance of values and promoting real-life experiences.

Human-Nature connection:
The Eco-friendly education system should strive to overcome the split of body and mind, man and nature. We support the growing recognition that education must fuse reason and emotion, knowledge and love, understanding and caring.

Interdisciplinary education:
The education today, should generate an interdisciplinary holistic approach to education in which science is embedded within cultural values, and social issues and environmental issues are linked.

Placed-based activism:
The education system should instill a sense of place – a deep understanding and caring for one’s local environment and community. It should foster responsibility, inspire and furnish tools for active citizenship, including coalition building, community action real-life learning about democracy.

Value education:
This education should give tools for critical thinking, reflection, analysis and evaluation of the value issues dilemmas that are at the root of environmental and social issues.

Such education should also encourage a critical look at our society and one’s personal lifestyle and its environmental implications.

Experiential education:
This education should supply relevant, real-life experiences and situations and “hands on” activities. Eco-education should promote experiences of wonder and inspiration that strengthen appreciation and kinship with the local environment.

The vision of such a paradigm of the Eco-friendly education system is to give birth to a generation that has a deep understanding of the total environment, the tools and values by which to evaluate this knowledge and finally, the empowerment and know how necessary in order to take positive action towards a more sustainable society.

In order to materialize this vision our proposed educational project will carry out Eco-friendly educational research, environmental scientific research, technology development for renewable energy resources, agricultural research, export policy making and market development, promotion of responsive Eco-tourism and information exchange on environmental cooperation etc. It will take the responsibilities of an International Institute for Human Resource Development, where people from various walks of lives can learn and educate others for the sake of nature and humanity. The entire project will be a practical laboratory for the trainees with high tech research facilities. This will be the center of social harmony, cultural resources and humanity healing. The project will provide free education, lodging and other basic necessities of life to the underprivileged youth and orphaned, destitute and disadvantaged children.


In order to meet the required goal UHR has begun by establishing a development program, the ‘Traveler’s Mission’, aimed at protecting human rights and fostering responsible youth care and education in an environmental context. This program also serves as a communication platform that will enable people of different countries to share their experiences and work together for the development of multi cultural care facilities for the underprivileged.

The purpose of the 'Traveler's mission' is to organize broadminded people from all over the world to form a Volunteer’s Community to work for the development of the socioeconomic conditions of the poor people in relation to the Environment.

'Traveler's mission' arranges for the participants stay with the natives mainly in the South and the Northeastern parts of India enabling them get the reality of this third world, which is a land of ancient history colorful culture and people, superb scenarios and some of the best walking on earth. UHR Director, Pranab Saikia leads the mission and provides guidance and all assistance to the participants in every step.

The main aims of the 'Traveler's mission' are:

* To rediscover the relation between human values and tradition, rebuilding the linkage between cultural beliefs, environment and socioeconomic stability.

* Documentation of the indigenous technologies that help in the sustainable use of natural and human resources, promoting them for the preservation and wider responsible use of traditional knowledge, skills and resources.

* Carry out community oriented actions and participatory research related to environmental, social, economic and cultural matters of their surroundings.

* Study the pressure on Nature and its impact on the local farmers, suggesting solutions and canalizing the human resource capacities in key economic activities for a sustainable development

* Work as a vigilant organization and bring the criminal activities against Nature and Humanity for the public awareness. At the same time, bring consciousness about all the 'apparently inoffensive habits' that daily contribute to this depleting inertia.

* Mobilize International support and coordination to help the underprivileged to become self-reliant. Encouraging them to develop their capacities using natural and local resources in a planned, scientific and sustained manner, making them aware of the ongoing degradation and destruction of the environment and its consequences for their well being.

Specifically, the goal of the 'Travelers mission' is to establish a self-employment oriented Eco-friendly Educational Project the 'Environment-Friendly Farming & Ecological Center and Training Institute for Vocational Education' (EFFECTIVE) to impart vocational and technical training to the underprivileged mainly in the areas of Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture and bee keeping, Mushroom cultivation, Sericulture, Animal husbandry, Fishery, Maintenance of agriculture equipment, Food processing and preservation, Handlooms and Handicrafts, Sustainable Renewable Energy Resources and responsive Eco-tourism etc. This education project also integrates moral and spiritual education in an environmental context for children and adults. Thus making them self-reliant, enhancing their standard of living and job prospects besides creating environmental consciousness among them. The EFFECTIVE will also provide free lodging and other basic necessities of life for orphaned, destitute and disadvantaged children, educating them how to use their potentials in sustainable ways allowing them to contribute towards a healthy and peaceful world. The aim of this Eco-friendly education is to utilize the natural resources and ecological factors in a friendly way in relation to human resource development for general upliftment of people and environment. EFFECTIVE will ensure Financial and Technical Support, Market and Easy Distribution System, and Project Implementation and Monitoring Support to the trainees to make them self-reliant.

How the proposed EFFECTIVE will work:

* Develop and demonstrate a role model of a sustainable agriculture system.

* Introduce agro-forestry farming system and best utilization of land, resources and time.

* Create awareness about the importance of managing and preserving sustainable natural resources.

* Analyze the environmental resources and ecological factor in relation to human resource development.

* Promote ecologically sound and culturally appropriate sustainable agriculture.

* Retain traditional culture through the teaching indigenous skill and technologies, rebuilding the relation between traditional skills and ecology for sustainable development.

* Teach sustainable management of social waste.

* Education for effective project planning implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

All interested organizations and individuals who would like to widen their scope of vision and multicultural understanding through travelling are invited to participate in the 'Traveler's mission'

To set up the 'EFFECTIVE' UHR is in need of a land area of approximately 25 acres. We are looking for any organization or Individuals for partnership to establish the 'EFFECTIVE'.

All participants of the Traveler's mission' are requested to take initiative for the establishment of the 'EFFECTIVE'. Any one can help UHR by becoming partner or connecting any organization and individual interested for partnership in establishing the 'EFFECTIVE'. One can also help by donating in any kind - manpower, land, money, materials etc.

We welcome one and all who are deeply concerned with the grave situation of Nature and Humanity. Your participation in this mission will be highly valued. We are in strong need of your guidance and support to save the deteriorating scene of this strained and distressed world.


Northeast is the richest part of India with its natural resources. It is the matter of great agony that the people of this land have no scope to utilize their own resources to reduce their poverty. No initiatives are taken in awakening the people to the key issues of sustainable development, to look over the linkage between ecology and human development and good management of their land, water and forest. The entire region is neglected by the Indian regime since the British left. The irrational use of natural resources, injustice and inhumanity causing all round discontentment and misery of the people in the region. Unless and until the young generation is educated to come forward and root out these evils, the future of the land is bleak.

To do something for the underprivileged, it is significant to enter deep into the people and know them in real.

In this program, ‘Traveler’s Mission’ welcomes you to the Northeast India – a land of indigenous people with unique cultures and breathtaking natural beauty and one of the selected and virgin destinations of the world with tremendous scope for responsive Eco-tourism.

Guwahati, the capital of Assam and the gateway of Northeast India, will be the main station for the Mission from where you will enter different villages of Assam, Nagaland and Meghalaya by different transports like steam boat, ferry, bus, train, small vehicles and bicycle. The program may be extended to other states of the region subject to the term of volunteering and other conditions.

This community oriented actions and participatory research program also include exploring some parts of south India, to experience the environmental resource, ecological factors in relation to human resource development, democracy, human rights and social, political and cultural differences within the country.

‘Traveler’s Mission’ provides you the unique opportunity to get into the natives, be a part of them and learn about their land, culture, way of living, the prospects for their sustainable development etc.

Staying with the locals you will find the relation between human values and tradition and the linkage between cultural beliefs, environment and socioeconomic stability. This knowledge will help you to educate the people to develop their capacities for proper utilization of natural and local resources in a planned, scientific and sustained manner.

Apart from your work, you may interact with the children giving them English conversation training, Sanitation and hygiene related education, Health awareness, Gardening, Drawing, Playing and Entertainment programs like Music, Dancing etc. You may also get involved in different other activities of the mission, such as organizing cultural programs, conducting various events etc.

You will enjoy the diverse and colorful cultures, customs and festivals of the natives, staying with them in a homely atmosphere.

UHR organizes fun-filled study tours at regular interval of the work to know the bio-diversity and environmental impact on human resource.

UHR has a house in the Guwahati city of Assam, which provides accommodation for the volunteers. And also the family members of UHR from the different villages arranges for the volunteer’s stay with them. All these arrangements provide only simple accommodations and local food with the people without any extra facilities, which gives the volunteers all the privilege to get into the people and be one with them.

If you have an understanding mind, a mentality to trust others, love for the human family and this small planet Earth, willingness to take initiatives and work independently and collaboratively in a multicultural context, and the capacity to adjust with the living style of the poor people, you get the real value of human life in this Mission.


* You are requested to do a deep study of the prospectus, which contains the proposed project outlining the basic principles, project illustrations, photographs of successful related components, technical data and information etc. that will make you more acquainted with the works of UHR to share this global concern.

* Living with the natives in different places, know the social, cultural, economical, political, environmental and ecological situations and the scopes for sustainable developments, and carry out a people participatory research for the establishment of the Eco-friendly Educational Project of UHR.

* Enter deep into the rural poor, encouraging them to develop their traditional skills and indigenous technology for their sustainable development and prepare the features and presentation for the proposed project adjusting through local custom, culture and environment.

* Carryout a feasibility study for the establishment of an extensive central project of the self-employment oriented Eco-friendly Education System, where students and representatives from far reach communities would come for experience, training and follow-up support by specialists.

* Analyzing the local and environmental resources and Ecological factors in relation to human resource development, prepare a detailed feasibility report for the proposed project focussed on national adjustment, topographical surveys, sizing, costs, potential productivity etc. for presentation.

* Prepare a final project report of the “Environment-friendly Farming & Ecological Center and Training Institute for Vocational Education” (EFFECTIVE) on your observation of the local and natural resources, human resource capacities, infrastructure, environment, possible acquisitions, land etc. and expected cost for submission to the local Government and Financial Institutions for the allotment of the required land and financial support for its implementation.

* Educate the state ministers and concern officials about this all-inclusive project, which is our only future, and the vital needs of its implementation at the earliest.

* Communicate with concern Government Departments, Politicians, Supporters as well as the outer world for the establishment of the project, with the interest of human family.

* Documentation of the indigenous technologies will be an added advantage for the preservation and wider responsible use of traditional knowledge, skills and resources, and will play a key role to educate people in the ambit of sustainable development.


* Identify potential resources of funding for the proposed EFFECTIVE and drafting funding proposals.

* Connect organizations and individuals interested for partnership in establishing the EFFECTIVE with a global interest.

* Mobilize international support for the development of the Project.

* Assist the director in correspondence for the smooth functioning of the organization.

* Help in designing a web site of UHR.

* Encourage the rural poor to produce various Eco-friendly handlooms and handicrafts and Coordinate in promoting these products for their economical well-being.

* Provide counseling to the unemployed youths for their Eco-friendly self-employment relating to local resources.

* Develop publications and maintain rapport with media.

* Prepare evaluation and reports of the organization for presentation to the ‘Registrar of Societies’.

* Organize cultural programs to develop understanding of diverse culture.

* Design events to raise awareness on health and environment and help in arranging free medical camps for the poor and needy.

* Help in conducting seminars on human resource development in relation to environment.

* Designing curriculum for the Eco-friendly self-employment oriented training including the preparation and development of training and resource materials.

* Campaign the Eco-friendly educational issue in the capital of Assam, Guwahati, to raise awareness among the state politicians and bureaucrats, appealing before the Government, Universities and other educational bodies for recognition and affiliation of this all-inclusive and extensive holistic education system to extend and further strengthen a base of quality education for the sake of Nature and Humanity.

With your entire experience from the mission, you are expected to represent the 'United Human Resource' world wide with the interest of global community.


Presently, you can select any of the following three terms in this mission:

1. Long term ‘Traveler’s Mission’ (12 months)
2. Medium-term traveling volunteers mission (6 months)
3. Short-term traveling volunteers mission (3 months)

Apart from these visiting participants may meet us in the mission at any time.

Long term traveling volunteers mission (12 months)

In this one-year program, you get sufficient knowledge and experiences by exploring different places of the country to boost UHR to reach the goal. This long-term program allows you to enjoy a fruitful outcome of your great effort towards this global cause.

Medium-term traveling volunteers mission (6 months)

Even though 6 months time is not quiet enough to visit more places, the knowledge and experiences that you gain by visiting various places within this time and interacting with the locals, you can make a significant contribution towards the goal of UHR.

Short-term traveling volunteers mission (3 months)

This 3 months time is just enough to know the UHR and its people. However you can take initiatives by working individually or collaboratively for the purpose.

The 6 and 12 months terms are include an exciting and one of the longest train journeys in India that is from South to Northeast, which is a 3 nights, continuous journey. In this journey you will view the agricultural situations of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal and Assam.

To do something for the people at first you need to be one of them. Staying with the villagers in the different villages of Assam, Meghalaya and Nagaland and analyzing the local and environmental resources and ecological factors in relation to human resource development, you will carryout your research work in order to meet the required goal.

Though Guwahati is our main station for the mission we have to spend major portion of the time in the rural areas for the purpose. We need to travel frequently from the remote villages to the towns and cities to communicate with concern Government Departments, Politicians, Supporters as well as the outer world, preparing for the establishment of the central project in the gateway of Northeast India, the naturally richest but economically poorest part of the country.

Guwahati, the head quarter of the mission, offers you something extra. Visit the places of Art and Culture, Zoo, Museum etc. Do take a boat ride or a walk by the riverfront. Make new friends and enjoy the social evenings.

As a part of your work, you will be visiting different places of Ecological, Socio-Cultural, Historical, Economical and political importance of Northeast India to gather information on scopes of sustainable development.

In this mission you will discover a world in centuries back, ungrudgingly blessed by Mother Nature with an abundance of natural scenic grandeur, a wealth of rarest flora and fauna with many endangered species of wildlife which includes the Rhinoceros, Golden Langur, Hoolock Gibbon, Pigmy Hog, Hispid Hare, White Winged Wood-duck, Tiger, Clouded Leopard, Swamp Deer, Gangetic Dolphin etc.

You will visit Shillong and Cheerapunji in Meghalaya, a land of picturesque beauty and the National parks, wildlife sanctuaries and other reserve forests in Assam, to know the present situations of this natural world and prospects of responsive Eco-tourism in the region.

Adventurous journeys to hill stations, which are still virgin with their intense natural beauty, will connect you with the youth of indigenous communities in these highlands to know the daily reality of these ordinary people in this increasingly globalize world.

Warm hospitality of the people and real friendships will make you emotional, during your stay here.

At the end of the program the locals will felicitate you for your work and contributions towards the great cause.

As a founder member of this extensive holistic education system with global aims, you will be in touch always with the organization and will be receiving the progress report of UHR from time to time wherever you are in the world.


Visitors are invited to meet us in the mission to know the UHR and its people. Visiting Participants will be treated as the guest members of UHR.

Visitors may also offer their programs to support the mission. Experts in relating fields may take initiatives by working individually or collaboratively for the purpose, subject to requirement of the mission.

UHR takes every care for its visitors in a homely atmosphere.

As the family members of UHR, all the visitors will be in touch always with the organization and will be receiving the progress report of UHR from time to time wherever they are in the world.


We welcome all interested organizations and individuals who would like to widen their scope of vision and multicultural understanding through travelling to participate in this program. Most importantly, participants should wish to expand their knowledge and understanding of human rights and the rights of the earth and have willingness to render their services for the sake of nature and humanity. We prefer those personalities who can take up the challenge boldly in an all-inclusive effort to make the mission a resounding success.

Please send an email to humanism_uhr@yahoo.com explaining your background and interest for the purpose, a minimum of 15 days prior to your joining the mission.

The UHR Director Mr. Pranab Saikia will receive you at Mysore City of Karnataka, South India
At Guwahati, the gateway of Northeast India, which is subject to your date of joining, schedule of the UHR director and the place of your arrival in India.

Direct trains are available to Mysore from Mumbai and Chennai. The silicon city Mysore is at a distance of 139 kilometer from Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka.

Guwahati is well connected by airways, railways and a network of roads with all the prominent cities of the country.

Kindly specify a term of participating mentioning your Date of Birth, Sex, Nationality, Passport No, Present address with phone number (if any) and your possible financial contribution to bear your individual expenses during the Mission in your Letter of Interest, to receive a formal Letter of Invitation from the UHR.

You will be briefed about the ‘Traveler’s Mission’ by the director before you register yourself with UHR as a Missionary for a specific term.

All the basic principles of this mission are globally universal. We are looking for responsible organizations and individuals for sponsoring the Missionaries to this holistic purpose. However, the mission is launched on the basis of freely offered financial contribution of the participants.

The Missionaries, who are interested for the purpose but are not capable to bear their expenses, are cordially requested to look for sponsors, or raise fund in their locality, to meet their expenditures of this mission for a global cause.

The entire individual expenses of a participant is US$12 a day, in average, which includes, food, accommodations, all transportation and other miscellaneous expenditures during the mission. As the operation includes a lot of traveling, the expenditure for transport is the most.

UHR is not able to afford its Volunteer’s expenses at this moment. Therefore, you are a self-funding volunteer. To ensure smooth management of the mission, UHR requests you to deposit your financial contribution to the Director at the time of registration.


* Comfortable formal clothes and shoes for easy movement.
* Warm clothes for winters.
* Sleeping bag.
* Personal Medicine.
* You may carry a computer to carry out your work comfortably.

To know more about UHR kindly visit http://unitedhumanresource.free.fr

For your Comment, Suggestion, Advice and any queries please send an email to: humanism_uhr@yahoo.com

Call UHR Director MR. Pranab Saikia any time at +91 98804 34054.

Wish you all the best and welcome you to the UHR family.

Kind Regards
Pranab Saikia
Founder Director
(A revolutionary non-confessional humanitarian social organization)
Registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860
Registration Number: RS/KAM/240/0/403 of2002 - 2003


E-mail: humanism_uhr@yahoo.com
Registered Office:
Bhaskargiri, Kharghuli, Guwahati – 781004, Assam, India, Phone: +91 (0) 361 2524759

Promoting Center:
#312, 7th main, 9th cross, T.K. Layout, Mysore – 570 009, Karnataka, India, Phone: +91 98804 34054

ADVICE: What advice would you like to give to the Secretary-General and the General Assembly to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the second half of the Decade?

The responsibility of the U.N. should be to unite separately this excluded mass by adopting the mostly ignored expertise of the many world organizations striving to bring about alternative community systems.

When the Protocols of such systems are conceded, full endorsement by the United Nations must be followed by a special mandate to protect them from outside interference or exploitation.

However, these movements need to develop new ways to cooperate on a larger scale to avoid the traps of existing or past systems (Providing true Global democracy exists) so that these changes can be made in an ethical non-threatening way to sensitive cultures or to the prevailing capitalist system.

Then the coexistence of capitalist and non-capitalist global societies to a true democratic Global nation would be creative and not destructive.

PARTNERSHIPS: What partnerships and networks does your organization participate in, thus strengthening the global movement for a culture of peace?

PLANS: What new engagements are planned by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence in the second half of the Decade (2005-2010)?

Assessing the limiting and contributing factors in the development of self-employment we found, Poverty is common mostly among the following categories of people in the rural areas:

* People having no assets or less assets.

* People having less managerial ability and skill.

* People having less capacity to bear risks.

The main types of unemployment found in rural India are:

a. Agricultural unemployment.

b. Seasonal unemployment.

c. Educated unemployment.

Causes of unemployment:

* Lack of diversification in the activities.

* Inadeq uate vocational training and guidance.

* Personal factors.

* Age factors.

* Illness and / or physical disabilities.

* Technological and economic factors.

* Increase in population.

The solving factors realized to tackle the unemployment problem are:

* Agriculture and allied sectors still offer good avenues for self-employment in rural areas.

* Motivation, training and post training guidance play an important role in helping villagers to do something of their own without getting external financial assistance.

* Motivation through training and guidance create the enabling environment in the villages for self-employment without which the financial assistance can do nothing.

* Confidence can be created in the minds of villagers by establishing rapport enhancing their risk bearing capacity. Exposure to technical skill is an important factor in this regard.

* Interface among the scientist, experts and policy makers involved in developing ideas, technologies for the production and productivity and villagers who are actually involved in translating those ideas into reality and who apply those technologies in actual field situations may go a long way in changing the existing scenario.

* It is convenient and easy to organize rural poor around certain selected economic activities. Their capacity can be built, interest sustained and cohesiveness maintained along with the development of the economic activity they have taken up.

Analyzing the local and environmental resources and Ecological factors in relation to human resource development we are preparing to establish the central project of the Eco-friendly Education System in Assam, the gateway of Northeast India, which is naturally richest but economically poorest part of the country.

Here is an initial idea of the key Economic Activities to be selected for self-employment oriented training programs in Assam.

These are the economic activities that are totally based on locally available resources having good scope for self-employment in the state.

* Composite Farming.

* Area based Horticulture and Floriculture.

* Mushroom Cultivation.

* Animal Husbandry - Scientific Management of Poultry, Piggery and Dairy.

* Food Processing and Preservation.

* Small Tea Garden.

* Diversification of Jute Products.

* Pisciculture Development.

* Cottage Industries - Honey Production, Cane and Bamboo Handicrafts.

* Handloom Designing.

* Computer Education.

Composite Farming:
We have to give emphasis on the importance of taking up composite farming system considering its economic viability. We have to develop a model composite farm to study the dynamics involved in managing the components of a composite farm. It will be a part of the action research to be taken up in the project. Study of the minute details of the activities of a composite farm will help the project to guide the people taking up these activities in the rural situation.

Area based Horticulture and Floriculture:
Horticulture is considered as the mainstay of economy of Assam and thereby it stands as the economy of the state. As per 1991 census, about 89 per cent of the total population of Assam is living in rural areas and about 69 per cent of the total working force are engaged in agriculture and allied activities and also earn their livelihood from these sectors. The following are some of the important points, which explain the role, and importance of agriculture in the economy of the state.

a. Source of livelihood.

b. Source of food supply.

c. Contribution to state income.

d. Higher productivity valuation.

e. Commercial importance.

f. Setting the movement of general price level.

g. Role of horticulture in economic planning.

Our educational project will impart training programs on organic agricultural practice, integrated farming system, area based horticulture activities to educate the rural youth to take up self-employment through these activities and demonstrate how small plots of land belonging to small and marginal farmer can be used productively.

Mushroom is a good source of delicious food with high nutritive attributes, and has some medicinal values as well. Mushroom provides a rich addition to the diet in the form of protein, carbohydrates, valuable minerals and vitamins from the worthless Agro waste. The congenial climatic conditions and abundant raw materials for mushroom cultivation places Assam in an advantageous position for production of mushroom on commercial basis. In Assam four species can be cultivated round the year depending upon their climatic requirement. Mushroom can profitably be started by land less farmers, unemployed youth and other entrepreneurs. It requires less land as compared to other agricultural activities.

In Assam there are tremendous potentiality for dairy farming, as the present production cannot meet the demand for milk and milk products. A major portion of cultivable land is occupied by paddy cultivation. By product of paddy cultivation as well as grass from unused land can be fed to dairy cow for economic production of milk.

Dairy has a definite future in this region, as it is suitable for all sections of people and has no religious rigidity. It will create grate opportunity for unemployed youth for the upliftment of their economic status. The major advantage of dairy farming is that daily income can be achieved through selling milk, which is very much important for economically weaker sections.

In India poultry industry has recorded and impressive growth unparalleled in the history of animal rearing during last three and half decades of its existence due to adaptation of modern poultry production technologies. In Assam it is still in juvenile stage. Although poultry keeping in Assam is as old as its civilization, poultry farming in this region, however, remain a backward venture. Taken up by poor, weaker and vulnerable sections of the society including the tribal households. By following proper management procedure with high producing strains the farmers can easily maintain poultry farming economically.

A Broiler Hatchery Project for providing chicks at cheaper rate and training programs to transfer scientific and managerial skill to rural people in animal husbandry sector will help the poor people to take up poultry farming for their economic wellbeing.

In Assam there is a tremendous potentiality for Piggery development because of the traditional dependence of people on pigs, large consumption trend and absence of any taboo against pig production or pig farming. In tribal areas, pig rearing is a traditional activity but due to lack of a scientific approach they have not been able to maintain the level of production and productivity. Courses on pig rearing in scientific and commercial line have a definite future in Assam in meeting the demand of the people for animal protein.

Food processing and preservation:
Agriculture is the backbone of the economy of Assam. Horticulture plays an important role in the rural economy of the state. It is observed that almost 70% of the people in rural areas have a fruit garden. Various fruits like mango, pineapple, lemon, amla, olive, jackfruit, etc. are grown in plenty in Assam. Most often these perishable commodities fail to provide adequate return to the poor people as the selling of these produce is not up to the mark. A huge part of the annual production goes waste due to lack of processing and storing facilities.

Locally processing and preserving fruits in the form of pickles, jam, sauces, juices, etc. will not only save the wastage, but the poor people will also earn a lot. Unemployed youth can take up food processing and preservation on commercial line for their self-employment.

Our educational project will include a food processing and preservation unit organizing courses on it.

Floriculture with bee keeping:
Assam has a rich array of flora and fauna. The climatic condition of Assam is very much congenial to grow different seasonal flowers and orchids. Assam honey is famous for its quality. Bee keeping is a traditional activity in Assam. But, it is taken more as a hobby than for commercial purpose.

Floriculture was never taken as something that can generate income in Assam. UHR must take up this as a viable economic activity wherein transfer of technology is seriously considered.

Herbal Garden:
There are lots of medicinal plants available only in Assam. An experimental herbal farm in the project campus will help to make the people aware about the indigenous medicinal plants.

Handloom Designing:
In Assam there are lot of expert weavers, but what we need is improvement of the designing skill of the weavers to capture urban market and add value to the products. Qualities of handloom products in Assam are very fine in terms of texture, durability etc. If we introduce new design, colour combinations it will help in catching markets inside the country and abroad. In Assam handloom designs of tribal people are very rich. Putting this designs on costumes, used by people living in other parts of the country and abroad, will increase the marketing outlets for their products.

Training and research will help to orient the weavers in finding a wider market.

Assam is endowed with huge fishery potential. Assam poses fishery resources in the forms of riverbeds, swamps, ponds, tanks, forest fisheries and paddy fields. The twin river system of the Brahamapura valley and the Barak valley brings enough fresh water to almost allover the state through innumerable tributaries. The Eco-logical condition of the state is also quite favorable for pisciculture along with its subtropical humidity and cool climate.

UHR will organize courses on Pisciculture. A fishery unit in the project will allow the students to learn the developed ways of fish farming.

Small Tea Garden:
Although a large number of youth in Assam have shown interest to start small tea gardens due to lack of technical knowledge and skill they are not able to take it for self-employment.

We need to set an example in the project providing technical knowledge and skill to rural youth so that they can manage tea gardens in a profitable way in small plots.

Agricultural equipment:
Promoting indigenous technologies in making agricultural tools and equipment in a modern way, will not only help a pollution free environment but also be cost effective and allow the farmers to look after the repairing and maintains of such farming tools and equipment at their own.

Computer Education:
Courses in Information Technology to the rural youth will promote their managerial and communication skill and give them access to the outer world enabling their social improvement.

UHR has designed a prospectus outlining the basic principles, project illustrations, photographs of successful related components, technical data and information etc. of its proposed Eco-friendly educational project for presentation to potential supporters.

Given proper implementation, the proposed project of UHR will prove immensely beneficial in so far as the global community is concerned.

The 'United Human Resource' is Planning to organize a National Level Awareness Program the 'Mission Justice' aiming to educate the Citizens of the great Sub-Continent through Electronic Media about the grave problem of the worst crimes to Nature and Humanity.

UHR experts have been preparing to present a News Based TV Serial 'Mission Justice' which will play a key role to educate the people in the degree sustainable development coexist with the local environment and will also bring a clear picture of the criminal activities to Nature and Humanity in live and true story shootings. Interview programs will be conducted in every episode on the particular issue, with the concern Government Agencies, Research Institutions and other Responsible Organizations investigating deep into the matter, and Scientists, Experts and Specialists and Legal Consultants will participate in the program to offer suggestions to the public. 'Mission Justice' takes the task of educating people about the access to Justice for Protection of Environment, Fundamental Rights and natural Liberty to improve their capacity, which is capable of utilizing the people's potentials and strengthening the sustainable development. The serial will also includes documentation on Human Resource Developmental Activities initiated by the Government Departments, Social Organizations and other Institutions. Anchorpersons will spill the thrill around in the program and will bring audiences to the platform to express their views and opinions on the subjects.

UHR is looking for Cameraman with camera, Director and Assistant Director with or without experiences, Scriptwriter, Editor and creative thinkers for this program.

The North East based International Level English Monthly News Magazine 'Mission in Earth' will take the important role in this Revolutionary Mission. This Magazine will not only carry topics like - Sustainable Development, Employment, Eco-friendly Establishment, Finance, Environmental Education, Human Resource Development, Energy and Development etc. but will also bring a clear vision of the grave situation of Nature and Humanity that will awake the inner eye of the readers and will heat the heart with a vibration of resulting from inhumanity such as Ecological Crises, Environmental Rap, Poisoned Air, Ravaged Soil, Stripped Forest, Corrupted Water Resources; Destruction of Infrastructure, of Soul-rivers, Coast-lines, Lakes, Grasslands, and Hill sides, Irrational Use of natural Resources, Black Marketing and Smuggling, Distortion of Human Resource, Numerous Corruption, Restlessness, Child Servitude, Child Labour, Exploding Population, Genocide, Torture, Food Poisoning, Cruel Treatment, Sexual Slavery, Ruthless Exploitation, Threat to Peace, Act of Aggression, Attack Against Civilian Population etc. The 'Mission in Earth' will also cover Politics, News Analysis, News Features, Social Commentaries, Economic Reviews, Film Reviews, Sports Round-up, Fashion and Life-style, Business News and special accents on Women, Children and Unemployed Youths. This will carry regular columns on Natural Resource Management, Self Employment Guidance, Opportunities Abroad, Information Exchange, Problem and Solution, Resource Directory, Travel and Tourism, Legal Consultation, Hidden Talents Seeking Scope, Voice of Unemployed, Nature and Environment Today, Know Your Health, Quiz Game, Creativity Test, Competitive Question Fun, News for Use etc. The Magazine will build Bridges between the readers to express their views and opinions on the situation and to exchange their ideas for Human Development.

UHR is looking for publisher or publishers to launch the News Magazine

For your Comment, Suggestion, Advice and any queries please send an email to: humanism_uhr@yahoo.com or call UHR Director MR. Pranab Saikia any time at +91 98804 34054.

Wish you all the best and welcome you to the UHR family.

Postal address of organization

Bhaskargiri, Kharghuli, Guwahati – 781004, Assam, India, Phone: +91 (0) 361 2524759

Karnataka, India

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