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Organization: PAX 2100
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Posted: Mar. 18 2005,12:33 If you wrote this report, you will find a button here that you may click
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PROGRESS: Has your organization seen progress toward a culture of peace and nonviolence in your domain of action and in your constituency during the first half of the Decade?

Yes, tremendous progress has already been seen with regards to awareness for Peace Education in the first half of this decade.  Awareness and finally “coming to our senses” of the interconnectedness of the whole of humanity is beginning to take on a much greater importance.
The goal of PAX 2100 is to foster and develop a culture of peace so that by the year 2100 we will have achieved, or progressed close to, social wellness of all human beings, and the absence of war.  
Substantial progress has been made by our human structures committee both at the local levels, in K-12 classrooms with the introduction of Peace Corners and with increasing awareness locally about the interconnectedness of humanity and the importance of respecting and appreciating differences, as well as within the more structured think tank committees.
Currently, the government structures committee is focused on United Nations reform, specifically in strengthening, widening, and expanding the role of the UN.  In addition to dealing with the international security system, the government structures committee is concerned with armament control and non proliferation.  PAX 2100 has made considerable progress with these issues through meetings and think tank work.
The environmental structures committee’s agenda currently encompasses: sustainability and sustainable development, ecological balance among all of earth’s inhabitants, energy systems and alternative energy sources, and population control.
The focus of the economic structures committee is on international trade and the reduction of barriers, monetary systems, international controls, redistribution of wealth, and economic development.

OBSTACLES: What are the most important obstacles that have prevented progress?

There are many obstacles to peace work, ranging from limited economic funds, to the thirst for immediate, tangible short term gains at the expense of more farsighted, long term goals, which are necessary for peace work.  Politically and economically, the more affluent classes are the ones making the decisions, and they will respectively make decisions which benefit them, at the cost of the lower echelons.  
“Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  
Environmentally, the power-holders often times choose development at the cost of the environment because with development comes immediate tangible benefits, while the problems it creates for future generations will not be seen by this generation.
In addition to a lack of funding, and the relatively unseen immediate benefits peace work brings, our limited minds can also serve as obstacles to progress.  

Our minds sometimes limited view of "what can be". Governments and institutions stuck in old ways of thinking.

ACTIONS: What actions have been undertaken by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the first half of the Decade?

PAX 2100 is an international organization whose goals are focused towards peace, justice, the right of retaining cultural identity, fair and equal access to the earth’s resources, sustainability and sustainable development to ensure the level of economic growth that is compatible with preserving the environment for future generations, health care, education, the right and opportunity to work, freedom of speech and religion, and the freedom to move freely around the world, and the right to participate in its governance.  
PAX 2100 works at all levels, from the international level involving creating partnerships and working through think tanks/structure committees, to more localized levels with the peace education program in K-12 classrooms.
At the international and national level, PAX2 100 is involved with think tank structure committees including: governmental, environmental, human and economic.  The governmental structure committee deals with the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, as well as with the international security system, and armament control from conventional weapons to WMD.  The environmental structure committee deals with sustainability, ecological balance, alternative energy systems and population control.  The economic structures committee focuses on international trade and the reduction of barriers, monetary systems, international controls, redistribution of wealth, and economic development.  Finally, the human structures committee is focused on establishing a world wide code of ethics, irrevocable human rights, conflict resolution, cross cultural communication, while offering hope.  Together, these four structure committees encompass a diverse range of issues, and come up with recommendations on how to create a Culture of Peace.
At the local level, PAX 2100 works with all ages from children to adults.  PAX 2100 has introduced peace education programs involving the establishment of Peace Corners in the classrooms, so that children can learn the importance of peace and meditation at early ages.  Peace Corners are being picked up by children incredibly fast.  Children, in fact, see the world in many different positive ways.  They see the solutions to some of humankinds’ most complicated issues much more clearly than us “so called” wise adults.  In addition to working with children in the classroom, PAX2100 also involves itself with adult education lecture series whose aim is to promote hope and inspiration by exposing and increasing awareness of the many positive things happening around the globe.  In addition, PAX 2100 both adheres to and preaches the “Golden Rule,” which is helping humankind to remember the shared values we all possess, and remembering to “treat others as you want to be treated.”

ADVICE: What advice would you like to give to the Secretary-General and the General Assembly to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the second half of the Decade?

It is important to continue to increase cross cultural awareness.  We must teach others to look for the common ground between their cultures and traditions, whether they are religious in nature or not, and the cultures and traditions of others.  It is also important to realize that no mater what culture or religion we adhere to, we are all tied together under the umbrella of humankind.  We must teach people to see the similarities in those traditions and celebrate them, while being equally thankful and rejoicing in the differences.  For it is in the differences that humankind is most alive and most prosperous.

PARTNERSHIPS: What partnerships and networks does your organization participate in, thus strengthening the global movement for a culture of peace?

Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, US Foundation, Seniors for Peace, The Fourth Freedom Forum, Afghan Academy of Hope, Secure World Foundation, The Parliament of the Worlds Religions, Forum Barcelona 2004 and Forum Monterrey 2007, UNA-SB, No Place for Hate, Building Bridges Coalition, Direct Relief International, Creating Peace Project, United Religions Initiative.

PLANS: What new engagements are planned by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence in the second half of the Decade (2005-2010)?

Participation and partnering in the next Forum of Cultures to be held in Monterrey Mexico 2007.  We are also working on hosting a smaller Forum meeting in Costa Rica June 2006 (this meeting is an attempt to hear, in person, what our partners are doing and explore the issues we may be able to collaborate on). Continued Peace Education curriculum for K-12...including Mark Greenberg's PATHS program. A PAX 2100 program called Journey's for Peace (small teams traveling abroad with an emphasis on local service projects).  In addition, we will continue the Adult Education partnership lecture series, which helps to promote awareness of issues PAX 2100 is trying to reform…..  Finally, we hope to promote our more broad/international goals by continuing to explore the issues through our think tank committees.

Postal address of organization

6067 Shirrell Way
Goleta, CA 93117

E-mail address of organization


Website address of organization


Highest priority action domain of a culture of peace

Education for a Culture of Peace

Second priority action domain of a culture of peace

International Peace and Security

Highest priority country of action (or international)


Second priority country of action (or international)

United States
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Organization: PAX 2100

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