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Organization: Instituto Roerich da Paz e Cultura do Brasil
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Posted: May 03 2005,11:09 If you wrote this report, you will find a button here that you may click
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PROGRESS: Has your organization seen progress toward a culture of peace and nonviolence in your domain of action and in your constituency during the first half of the Decade?

a)  Our organization is essentially in charge of implanting a peace culture and also consolidating the relationship of peace with culture.
b)  The number of partnerships and actions to the culture of peace increased in this period.
c)  We accomplished some projects in local communities, as well as actions of National nature.

OBSTACLES: What are the most important obstacles that have prevented progress?

- Financial
- Few volunteers
- A lack in the population’s perception about the real meaning of building a peace’s culture.

ACTIONS: What actions have been undertaken by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the first half of the Decade?

a)  Preceding this decade, we accomplished the First National Assembly of the Lovers of Peace and Culture in 1999, sending proposals of Peace’s actions to the signatory countries of the Peace and Culture Pact, doc. enclosed*, and ONU.
b)  Creation of the National Peace Media Award with the partnership of the Movement for a Media of Peace.
c)  We helped on the implantation of the United Religions Initiative, in Brazil, – URI – International Movement of Inter-Religious Cooperation and Culture of Peace.
d)  Justice Movement in partnership with the Association Palas Athenas and UNISOES – Union of Spiritualistic Societies.
e) Creation of the Parliamentary Council for the Culture of Peace in Sao Paulo’s Legislature Assembly.
f) Creation of the Women in Movement’s project attained to the community of Feira de Santana – Bahia, district of Tiquaraçu, that it was financed by Health Ministry with the support of UNESCO.  The work was in the behavioral education in DST’s and AID’s.
g)  Education Project for Peace and No-Violence to the Woman, attained to the community of Valéria, 50 women.  
Partnership: Plan of Peace Promotion of Salvador’s City Hall and UFBA/ISC. It was accomplished 04 theoretical thematic vivencial workshops and 01 workshop of recycling paper and production of craft boxes.
h)  Education Project for Media and Production of Videos for Peace.
The goal community: Brotas, 30 youngsters.
Partenership: IDEAL – Institute of the Soul’s Study.
Financed by the Program of Solidary Training.
Purpouse: occupation and income in the videos’s production.
i)  Release of the Campaingn “ Disarm yourself... Begin from your Thoughts”.
j)  Peace in School Project.
Goal: teachers, directors and students leaders in 05 schools with violence problems.
Financing: FNDE.
Objective: Spread of the Peace Education Principles.
Partnership: Municipal  Education and Culture Department, Plan of Peace Promotion of the Municipal City Hall of Salvador, BA, and ADESOL ( Social Development Association ).
l)  Project: “Disarm the Heart to Disarm the Motion”.
Objective: To disseminate the values of peace and of mental education for the disarmament of the emotions and thoughts that produce the violence.
There was theatrical presentation by adolecents, elaboration of the Peace Statute and exhibition of painting and collage works.
Partnership: Peace Plan PMS, General Office of Public Security and ADESOL.
White communities:Coutos Farm, Plataforma, Paripe e Periperi.
m) Community Development  Project.
Goal communities: Saramandaia, Nova Constituinte e Alto de Coutos.
Objective: To disseminate peace values and to stimulate the community in the articulation of actions and to unite the neighborhoods organizations, seeking to exercice their rights and duties in the face of public power and to create CEL – Local Executive Commissions.
Partnership: Peace Plan / PMS.
n) Peace Mediator Course
Objective: To constitute people to mediate conflict situations in the neighborhood, avoiding violence and to guide the community for the search of its rights, applying the peace culture and the citizenship exercice.
White communities: Valéria, Saramandaia, Alto Coutos, Nova Constituinte, Pernambues e Arenoso.
o)  Construction of the Curricular Grate in Peace Education with the partnership of the Cajazeiras University, approved by the Education Ministry, for the Superior Normal Course of the University of Cience and Culture of Cajazeiras.  Recently this curricular grate was implanted in the city of Salvador,BA, by the Institute of Soul’s Study – IDEAL.

ADVICE: What advice would you like to give to the Secretary-General and the General Assembly to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the second half of the Decade?

a) To accomplish the First International Meeting of the Peace’s Culture’s Agents;
b) To reveal, using the international media, all the countries that are internally working on the peace culture.
c) To reward the promoters countries of Peace’s Culture.
d) To help the countries that implant public politics of Peace’s Culture.

PARTNERSHIPS: What partnerships and networks does your organization participate in, thus strengthening the global movement for a culture of peace?

a)  URI – United Religion Initiative
b)  UNISOES – Union of Spiritualistics Societs
c)  GANDHI Net – Health, Peace Culture and No-Violence
d)  Media movement for Peace
e)  IPAZ – International Agency of Peace
g)  Universities and Patrimony Unesco Forum.

PLANS: What new engagements are planned by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence in the second half of the Decade (2005-2010)?

a)  Creation of the Culture Pax Net
b)  To support the actions, strengthening them.
c)  To implant projects with the ideals of the Peace’s Culture
d)  To accomplish the Second National Assembly of the Peace and Culture Lovers.

Postal address of organization

1) Salvador, BA:  Rua Miguel Gustavo, 18E – Brotas
email: paxcultura@ig.com.br

2) Sao Paulo,SP:  Avenida Bosque da Saúde, 1608 – Saúde
email: iroerich@terra .com.br

E-mail address of organization

See above

Website address of organization

Highest priority action domain of a culture of peace

Education for a peace culture and equality.

Second priority action domain of a culture of peace

Highest priority country of action (or international)


Second priority country of action (or international)

Bahia e Sao Paulo
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Organization: Instituto Roerich da Paz e Cultura do Brasil

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