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Organization: National Council of Churches in Australia
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PROGRESS: Has your organization seen progress toward a culture of peace and nonviolence in your domain of action and in your constituency during the first half of the Decade?

The NCCA adopted the World Council of Churches 'Decade to Overcome Violence' initiative (DOV) as the main underlying theme of all of its work for the current decade, working alongside the UN Decade.  We are working on the four key issues identified by the WCC consultation as key for cultivating peace and reconciliation: 'transcending the "logic" of violence' (or Truth concerns); 'addressing the use, abuse and misuse of power' (cultivating Mercy-power or Compassion); 'doing Justice'; and 'valuing religious identity and diversity' (cultivating an open and valuing Community); and see the following issues as key: just Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples; a just refugee policy; debt relief and a just world economic order; inter-faith cooperation; and a renewal of international cooperation for nonviolence and ecology.  Small steps seem to be taken on some of these.

OBSTACLES: What are the most important obstacles that have prevented progress?

The biggest obstacles have been the unilateral aggression and so-called 'preventative' violence and war of the USA leadership, supported by Australian leaders and others, and the continued failure by the powerful to respect, respond to and work with the voices, peoples and ecologies of the poor and dispossessed.  Considerable progress has been made in religious dialogue and faith-based justice and peacemaking, but much also needs to be done in addresssing the religious roots of conflict (in doctrine and practice).

ACTIONS: What actions have been undertaken by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the first half of the Decade?

2001 – DOV (Decade to Overcome Violence) launches in several Australian States; adoption by NCCA of DOV as the overarching theme for the work of all the NCCA’s departments, networks and commissions
2002 – creation of national Working Group; appointment of paid Coordinator and intern
2003 – 2 DOV kits for congregational and group use; national Release (launch); campaigns against war in Iraq and for peace more widely; ‘Rolling Conference’ of events across several States and Territories (focussing on different themes) ; Youth Network CD; poster competition with remote schools; music competition; Pacific Peacebuilding initiative and liaison with CCANZ and others; website resources developed; ‘Unfinished Business – Treaty kit on Indigenous Reconciliation; beginnings of theological reflection and resourcing
2004 – ‘Journey of Promise’ inter-faith youth project and video/DVD; Renewing Creation – DOV Lent study on ecological themes;  Safe as Churches? – cross-member church consultation on abuse within churches; enhanced double music CD of songs of peace and reconciliation; adoption of Peacebuilding focus by NCCA world development commission/agency Christian World Service; national Climate Change event and lobbying of Government in Canberra; ‘Seeds of Peace’ initiative to collect, celebrate and communicate grassroots stories of peacemaking in Australia; development of educational game to raise awareness of Indigenous issues and Reconciliation; Social Justice Sunday kit – Security – at what cost?; support of On the Wings of a Dove WCC DOV campaign with 'Prayerline' campaiggn and resource to highlight and support Indigenous Australian women overcoming violence in their communities and society;
participation in the Australian-Indonesian Government sponsored Asian inter-faith conference in late 2004
2001-2004 and continuing – Refugee support and work on the development of a just refugee policy for Australia
2005 - 'Stop Trafficking of women and children' campaign (especially with partners in Thailand and Nepal) as part of our commitment to the WCC's DOV focus on Asia this year.
Each year we have also drawn attention to the International Day of Peace on September 21, providing resources at that time on our website, supporting shared witness (last year at the Baha'i Temple in Sydney) and last year linking this with our Social Justice Sunday kit and celebration of peace at the end of September.

'Black and White together: Overcoming Violence in Australia (Thursday Island, Torres Strait)'

ADVICE: What advice would you like to give to the Secretary-General and the General Assembly to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the second half of the Decade?

1. to respect, genuinely hear and empower the voices of the poor (including the cries of Creation itself), building on the work doen with Indigenous peoples and with refugees and others
2. not to be brow-beaten by the powerful nations and forces of the world into nonviolent and iniquitous measures
3. to renew the structures and work of the UN into genuinely democratic and participative forms

PARTNERSHIPS: What partnerships and networks does your organization participate in, thus strengthening the global movement for a culture of peace?

The NCCA is in partnership with:
1. its (15 - Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox) member churches and other churches outside the NCCA
2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and bodies
3. other Australian Faith bodies (especially Muslim and Jewish) and national networks
4. the WCC, Christian Conference of Asia, churches and Christian development networks across the world (especially in Asia-Pacific) region
5. Australian secular partnerships such as the Australian Collaboration(of third sector bodies working nationally)
6. Australian Government departments (notably DIMIA and DFAT in recent years)

PLANS: What new engagements are planned by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence in the second half of the Decade (2005-2010)?

We are seeking:
a. further to develop partnerships with others in the Asia-Pacific region (including the Pacific Peacebuilding Institute and the Peace for Life movement supported by the Philippine churches and WCC)
b. to build on work with Indigenous Australians - with a major series of events in 2006
c. to build up nonviolent networks within Australia (with a National Nonviolence Gathering planned for April-May 2005)
d. to share Australian stories of peacemaking through various media

Postal address of organization

Locked Bag 199
NSW 1230

E-mail address of organization


Website address of organization


Highest priority action domain of a culture of peace

understanding, tolerance, solidarity

Second priority action domain of a culture of peace

sustainable development

Highest priority country of action (or international)


Second priority country of action (or international)

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Organization: National Council of Churches in Australia

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