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-13 Midterm Reports for 2005 6521 May 12 2010,07:17
Association Universelle d'Espéranto / Universal Esperanto Association (UEA) 6732 April 12 2010,15:59
Center for Peace Building International 6575 Jan. 07 2010,19:34
IFLAC PAVE PEACE 6864 April 03 2010,05:18
Institute of Interreligious Studies (INTR°A) 6538 Jan. 11 2010,09:29
International Institute for Peace through Tourism 8191 April 10 2010,11:02
International Youth Media Summit 6688 April 01 2010,12:56
Meaningfulworld 6577 Feb. 28 2010,21:37
Service Civil International (SCI) 7469 Feb. 01 2010,09:26
United Religions Initiative (URI) 6587 May 06 2010,10:01
World Council of Churches - Decade to Overcome Violence 41412 May 13 2010,00:42
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