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Organization: Centre for Civic Education, Council of Europe EDC Coordinator in Russia
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PROGRESS: Has your organization seen progress toward a culture of peace and nonviolence in your domain of action and in your constituency during the first half of the Decade?

1. What achievements in sphere of education in the field of training a culture of peace and to human rights managed to achieve?

Democratic changes in our society during last decades promoted positive changes in sphere of a culture of peace and human rights education in Russia. At the same time these changes, led to decentralization of the Russian education, in the certain degree limit an opportunity of the state intervention in educational process and do not allow to introduce directly at the state level in teaching as obligatory those or other aspects of a culture of peace and human rights.

Nevertheless, the Ministry of Education has prepared a
number of the documents directed on realization of a new educational paradigm in given area. The significant step was the Decision of Board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on December 28, 1994 24/1 "On Strategy of Development Historical and Social Studies Education in Institutions of General Education".

In educational standards being developed for comprehensive schools substantial units under human rights and a culture of peace are included.

Articles of theoretical character are published in pedagogical and other mass media. In a number of high schools of Russia (the Academy for Upgrading Professional Standards and Retraining of Educators of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Pedagogical State University, the Tobolsk Pedagogical Institute, the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical Institute, St.Petersburg Academy of Pedagogical Skills, etc.) programs on a culture of peace and human rights education are developed. Manuals on a culture of peace, tolerance, conflictology and human rights, the rights of the child are issued. Recently the number of published scientific articles, monographies and manuals concerning a culture of peace grows in Russia. The special attention is given to questions of overcoming conflicts, tolerance, human rights, etc.

Creation of institutes, faculties, the centers and the laboratories which were deal with problems of preparation of teachers to teaching of a culture of peace and human rights (Institute of a culture of peace in Kazan is the educational center which is the first one in the country on a professional training civil peacemakers which will be used for work on prevention and overcoming of consequences of conflicts on an ethnic and religious basis is remarkable; Faculty of the international education and a culture of peace at Moscow Institute of Open Education; faculty of human rights of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, the centers of a culture of peace and tolerance (Cheboksary, Perm, Tver, Arkhangelsk, etc.; laboratory of human rights at Moscow Pedagogical University, the centers of civic education in Kaluga, Moscow, Samara, St.Petersburg - totally 50 centers)
Significant attention to education in spirit of a culture of peace and human rights began to pay recently schools involved in UNESCO Associated School Project.

The great value on distribution of ideas of a culture of peace plays the educational project "the Network of Schools of Peace", a voluntary project. It is carried out under the initiative of the Museum of peace-making operations with assistance of and support of the United Nations Information Centre in Moscow, the Moscow Institute of Open Education and institutions of general education of Moscow and regions of Russia with the purpose of development of the new ideas received during implementation of the project "United Nations Model of Peacemaking". The Primary goal of the project is creation of conditions for an exchange of an operational experience of the Russian and foreign educational institutions interested in civic education of students in spirit of a culture of peace and peacemaking.

Wide educational and educational activity in the field of a culture of peace is conducted by non-governmental organizations from which it is necessary to mention the Center of Civic Education, the Moscow School of Human Rights, the Youth Center of Human Rights and Legal Culture, the Moscow Helsinki Group, Fulcrum Foundation, Youth Human Rights Protection Group, the Ryazan School of Human Rights, Stavropol Regional public organization "ECO-Stavropol", the Nizhniy Novgorod Center of Civic Education, the International movement of Teachers for Peace and Mutual Understanding and a number of others.

It is possible to carry to the basic forms of such activity as carrying out of educational actions (summer schools, sessions, seminars) for various target groups, and publishing projects.

OBSTACLES: What are the most important obstacles that have prevented progress?

ACTIONS: What actions have been undertaken by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the first half of the Decade?

2. The basic actions in sphere of education in the field of a culture of peace (including the purposes, the involved participants and achievement) carried out in Russia within the limits of a Decade?

The basic actions in sphere of a human rights education it is possible to allocate all in following directions:
Presidential programs: the Federal Target Program "Formation of Attitudes of Tolerant Consciousness and Prevention of Extremism in the Russian Society" (2001-2005).

The basic purpose and tasks of the program are:


Training of students: development of the federal educational standard on social science, histories; inclusion into them action-based and nomenclature concepts on the rights of the child and the person; preparation of normative documents and circulars, methodical recommendations on a problem of studying of human rights;

Teaching and methodical support: creation of textbooks, teaching and methodical complete sets on civic education, social sciences, facultative courses on studying human rights for pupils, teaching and methodical complete sets, collections of materials on these problematics for teachers.

A professional training: the organization and carrying out courses of preparation and retraining of workers of education in Academy for Upgrading Professional Standards and Retraining of Educators of the Russian Federation, establishing advanced training of the staff in subjects of the Russian Federation on themes: "a Culture of Peace, Human Rights, Tolerance and Peaceableness", "the Rights of the Child - Social and Educational Programs", "Civic Education, Education by History", "Ethical and Legal Education", "Human rights", "the Convention on the Rights of the Child", etc.

Regional programs

Carrying out Russian national and international conferences: "Citizen of the 21st Century: problems of formation and development of person in conditions of modernization of the Russian education", "Teaching of human rights: practical activities at initial and basic school", "From stereotypes of war to ideals of peace through a culture of peace and education", "Human rights in the contemporary world", etc.

The special projects on developing a culture of peace and tolerance, especially in multinational regions of Russia such as Moscow, Northern Caucasus and Volga Region, were implemented with support of UNESCO, the Council of Europe and other international organizations. The special attention was paid to Chechen Republic which children were involved in various actions on forming democratic citizenship and multicultural approach. The recent challenges of terrorism added anti-terrorist dimension in such activities.

ADVICE: What advice would you like to give to the Secretary-General and the General Assembly to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the second half of the Decade?

PARTNERSHIPS: What partnerships and networks does your organization participate in, thus strengthening the global movement for a culture of peace?

PLANS: What new engagements are planned by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence in the second half of the Decade (2005-2010)?

Postal address of organization

The Civic Education Center
8 block, 2 Apt.
Glovinskoye Shosse
Moscow, 125212, Russian Federatioin

E-mail address of organization


Website address of organization

Highest priority action domain of a culture of peace

Second priority action domain of a culture of peace

Highest priority country of action (or international)

Second priority country of action (or international)

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Organization: Centre for Civic Education, Council of Europe EDC Coordinator in Russia

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