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Organization: Peace Worldwide
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PROGRESS: Has your organization seen progress toward a culture of peace and nonviolence in your domain of action and in your constituency during the first half of the Decade?

Peace Worldwide is a slogan of peace in the World filled with chaos due to unsure circumstances in every aspects of life. Pww was organized in 1996,by experienced and God fearing people, who heard the cry of millions of parents desperate to secure the future of their children but are helpless.

Peace Worldwide took the burden to help those helpless parents morally, socially and economically. At hand we are pleased to announce that we have successfully initiated this service by the grace of God and are planning to expand it by virtue and help of our executive body and other friends and agencies all over the Islamabad, as our only financial source depends upon the trust in God Almighty and then God fearing people who have their hearts filled with sympathy for helpless people.

OBSTACLES: What are the most important obstacles that have prevented progress?

The Islamic extremists have penetrated every sector of government / semi-government and also private sectors.  While the extremist under the banner of Madrrasa(Islamic Education Schooling System) is an exposed force, working behind the scenes you will find extremists in the , social welfare agencies, educational sectors whom are slowly but surely promoting an extremist agenda.  They are also putting unjustified pressure on Christian NGO’s and NGO’s that do not place emphasis on religion to either cease their operations,  threats and blackmail to maintain silence.  One notable example is that NWFP Chief Minister-Mr. Akram Durrani- a member of the extremist organization MMA has banned all NGO’s from visiting any government schools/ departments and social welfare departments.

ACTIONS: What actions have been undertaken by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the first half of the Decade?

We Disscussed and sent written proposal to our Government as Under

a) The Government of Pakistan should be encouraged to re-train all its existing staff in public relations, methods of conducting business, to be apolitical and refrain from promoting a bribery culture.
b) All clergy should be relegated to their respective places of worship and banned from interfering into politics or social welfare issues that are not religion related.
c) Educational institutions should play more emphasis on the One Nation – One People policy so that younger generations do not continue the discriminatory trends that have existed for decades.
d) Law enforcement agencies should be encouraged to refrain from violating the basic human rights of all persons in their custody.  Every offender is innocent until proven guilty.
e) Media (Both print & electronic) should broadcast news & events as they happen without bias and must discourage presentation of religious broadcasts that offend various denominations.
f) Recruitment in all government/semi-government sectors should be based on merit – not nepotism or religious background.
g) Adequate representation of minorities in Senate/National and Provincial Assemblies according to the correct census figures – currently we the minorities are understated in the National census.
h) Derogatory – Discriminatory remarks made by any member of the public to be considered an offence punishable by either a fine or jail term for second offenders to discourage people from adopting such an attitude.
i) Large scale, long-term promotion/education via the print-electronic media of the need to encourage national unity & equal rights.

ADVICE: What advice would you like to give to the Secretary-General and the General Assembly to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the second half of the Decade?

Pakistani Christian want a permanent Vocal Representation Under the Umbrella of the United nations

1) The United Nations establishes an independent Commission based in Islamabad with branches in all the big cities of Pakistan.
2) That the Executive Board consists of 20 members – 15 from all the minority groups and 5 from developed countries with an excellent human rights track record.
3) That the head of the Commission is directly reporting to either the Secretary General or the Deputy Secretary General(South Asian Affairs)
4) That every member is allowed access to the President of Pakistan,  The Prime Minister of Pakistan,  All the Chief Ministers of their respective provinces and any other High ranking Government official at all times and on short notice.
5) That none of the Board members are selected by the Government of Pakistan.
6) That the Government of Pakistan is bound by International Law to investigate all relevant issues thoroughly (currently the government tries to conceal or brush aside issues) and notify the Commission of the proper action taken in each matter.  The United Nations Security Council should be empowered to place sanctions on the Government of Pakistan in cases of inaction by the government concerning issues raised by the Commission.
7) The commission should place emphasis on relgious freedom and ensure that such freedom is in place at all time.
To this end periodical visits to religious places and meetings with the head of various denominations as well as community leaders must occur
8)that commission members are immune from local prosecution and granted political immunity as agreed upon in the Geneva Convention.
9) That the commission oversees the compilation of the National Census (Currently the Census is inaccurate and Minorities numbers are under stated, Largely to deny Minorities proper representation in the Federal and Provincial political system) and ensures that minorities are adequately represented in the Government
10) That the commission ensures that the government of Pakistan is developing the infrastructure evenly (Currently Christians live in ghettos which has little or no sanitation and others facilities) and that no minorities group is disadvantaged with the current fast pace of development that is occurring in Pakistan.

PARTNERSHIPS: What partnerships and networks does your organization participate in, thus strengthening the global movement for a culture of peace?

Peace Worldwide is Registered with Government of pakistan Regd No VSWA/ICT/401. Accreditation with Finanacing for Developmentment (FFD) Coordinatioin Secretariat Department of Economic and Social Affairs United Nations. Accredited with World Summit on Sustainable Development Seretariat UN/ Johannesburg.Accredited with WSIS Secretariat UN/Switzerland Accredited with United Nations Conference on Trade and Development/Brazil. We Have Participated WSSD, CSD-12,13 and Special High Level meeting of the Economic and Social Council With the Bretton Woods Institutions held in New York USA. Peace Worldwide has Partnership in different  countries on National and International Levels including CONGO-Switzerland,  Prison Fellowship International-Canada & USA, , Orient Society-Denmark,  NCD Mission-Korea,  Trade & Development – Brazil,  WACC (World Association for Christian Communication) U. K.

PLANS: What new engagements are planned by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence in the second half of the Decade (2005-2010)?

Our current focus is on human rights issues affecting those in Pakistan, with special emphasis on the minorities whom are victims of human rights abuses.
As long as the minorities remain poor, they will be weak, and it is usually the weak that suffer the most. How do we correct this imbalance? They are various methods of dealing with this situation including:
1. Providing Primary/Secondary Education.
2. Vocational training.
3. Providing recreational facilities.
4. Promoting sports training.
5. Moral & financial assistance in Jobs placement.
6. International Scholarships.
7. Periodical Seminars/workshops touching on issues like        Drugs, Alcohol, Nicotine & other substance abuses.
8. Encourage Community Service.

Until and unless we raise the lost self-esteem of any human we can never expect that human to lead a decent and peaceful life. A loss of self-worth usually leads any human to a negative lifesytle including the all important terrorism, which has taken off on a grand scale.

Postal address of organization

Peace Worldwide
P.O.Box No 1835
GPO, Islamabad - Pakistan

E-mail address of organization


Website address of organization


Highest priority action domain of a culture of peace

Human Rights

Second priority action domain of a culture of peace

International Peace and Security

Highest priority country of action (or international)


Second priority country of action (or international)

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Organization: Peace Worldwide

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