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Organization: CARAVAN, Community Awareness Raising and Advocacy Ventures Around Needs
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Posted: April 13 2005,09:29 If you wrote this report, you will find a button here that you may click
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PROGRESS: Has your organization seen progress toward a culture of peace and nonviolence in your domain of action and in your constituency during the first half of the Decade?

CARAVAN is a sub National NGO working in the North West Frontier Province in Northern Pakistan in the field of human development, peoples'empowerment and participatory democracy through ensured system of Social auditing. The organization is progressing towards a culture of peace and hormony in this extremely closed society dominated by tribal traditions, enemities and religious intolerance.NGOs are considered agents of west and threats to the religious beliefs.With the work of CARAVAN, local communities have now starting trusting theses civil society initiatives and a gradual behaviourial change is coming.The local community organizations are making their own decisios and are discussing issues in a common forum, thus hearing the opinion of all and then make decisions in a peaceful manner.

OBSTACLES: What are the most important obstacles that have prevented progress?

The concept about NGOs as foreign agents and some thing threatining the religious beliefs(mis trust) has been the major obstacle. Even to date, the environment to bring women population into the main stream development and political process is still a dream to come true. A lot of resistence is seen today .CARAVAN with its; building trust has been able to break the ice.Women staff is recruited to work with women to continue its' journey towards the goal of women empowerment.

ACTIONS: What actions have been undertaken by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the first half of the Decade?

*Community mobilization and organization; This givesa common forum to discuss issues and disputes. Many such grass roots organizations are now networked into bigger entities working for peace and development. They are becoming sensitised that development can not occur with out peace.
*Village peace and conflict resolution committees are formed at grassroots level .
*To avoid clashes between different religious groups, common peace committees are meeting on the occasions of religious events to ensure peace and harmony, like Muharram etc.
*The disputes bewteen owners and non-owners of forest resources are resolved through theses village forums.
*In some areas of the NGO jurisdiction, local enemities use to cause losses of many lives in the upper tribal belts. In Utror communities, for example, theese CBOs have banned carrying deadly weapons in public places out side their houses.this has reduced killing of human lives tremendously in that area.
*The religious groups belong to different sects like Deobandi, Baralvi and Ahle Hadith etc, are brought to together to  pecefully resolve their idelogical differences with out bringing it out to the streets resulting iinto human losses many times.

ADVICE: What advice would you like to give to the Secretary-General and the General Assembly to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the second half of the Decade?

*To support the international community by stressing countries through their governments to make poverty reduction as top most priority which is the main hinderance in the ensuring culture of peace in the poor nations, specially.
*Help resolve some of the major issues between different countries, like India and Pakistan.
*Support civil society initiatives for promoting culture of peace through education.
*Support voices of civil society organizations in combating poverty and ensuring social justice.

PARTNERSHIPS: What partnerships and networks does your organization participate in, thus strengthening the global movement for a culture of peace?

CARAVAN is member of few strong partnership networks at National level.We are member of the Provincial NGO network, the IDEALS working for development, peace and prosperity.At very local caravan is member of district NGOs network in Swat.
Organization is presently registered with WANGO while it is an affiliated member of ONEworld.
The NGO has partnership with;
1.UNDP Pakistan for protrction , development and conservation of Forest resources in upper Swat .
2.National commission for Human development Pakistan , to promote Education.
3. Devolution Trust for Community Empowerment Pakistan (DTCE) as part of IDEALS consortium in promotion of Good Governance.

PLANS: What new engagements are planned by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence in the second half of the Decade (2005-2010)?

Having very good results of our previous intereventions, we are planning dialogues and seminars to promote peace in the area with religious tolerance and freedom. We are also planning to more expedite the work of establishing dispute resolution forums at very grass roots level to resolve local disputes and issues.
We also plan for political education to make people aware about their role and participation in the political process and tolernace and rights and obligations in this regard.
*Education about discriminatory practices like honour killing, swara etc.
*celebration fo peace days, conferences and seminars etc.
*Publications about peace and development.

Postal address of organization

CARAVAN, P.O. Box# 18, Saidu Sharif Swat, Pakistan

E-mail address of organization

caravannwfp@yahoo.com, director@caravan-swat.org

Website address of organization


Highest priority action domain of a culture of peace

Sustainable development

Second priority action domain of a culture of peace

Democratic participation

Highest priority country of action (or international)


Second priority country of action (or international)

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Organization: CARAVAN, Community Awareness Raising and Advocacy Ventures Around Needs

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