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Organization: Museum voor Vrede en Geweldloosheid, Museum for Peace and Non-Violence
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Posted: April 03 2005,09:50 If you wrote this report, you will find a button here that you may click
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PROGRESS: Has your organization seen progress toward a culture of peace and nonviolence in your domain of action and in your constituency during the first half of the Decade?

There is a growing interest in our museum, in the subjects that are shown on the website as well as in the number of organisations that borrow or rent our exhibitions.
On the website people can browse the pages, ask for information, etcetera. The numbers of visitors are constantly rising.
We worked hard to promote our exhibitions for showing them in libraries and municipal builings, als well as in some other peace museums.
This is beginning to pay of, we get more and more requests for the exhibitions.
Through the website many students ask for information about specific peace matters for the papers they write at school.

OBSTACLES: What are the most important obstacles that have prevented progress?

Lack of man (or woman) power to make is all possible.
All of us are volonteers, often with ful time jobs on the side. This includes the board.
Furthermore the national governement is taking many strong measures in order to fight international terrorism, and seems not to be inclined to promote a culture of peace and non-violence.

ACTIONS: What actions have been undertaken by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the first half of the Decade?

The Museum for Peace and Non-Violence contributes to a future where a culture of peace and non-violence prevails.
It does this by means of travelling exhibitions and this 'Peace Museum on Internet'.
Moreover there is a museum shop that among other things sells games that promote co-operation instead of competition.
We try to strengthen our organisation and become better known in The Netherlands.
We also try to get together a group of volonteers in all cities in our country. So when the time comes that some help is needed to organise some activity in a city there will allways be a group of people who can help us (to promote an exhibition).  
For now, we are building a collection of exhibitions on peace. Some of these come from peace-organiations abroad, who are willing to let us use their materials. Most of the material can be viewed on the internet.
Where necesary the text has been translated into Dutch.
the exhibitions can be borrowed or rented at a low cost by libraries and other places.

The subjects in the exhibitions vary from :
- Hiroshima
- The Forgiveness Project
- A Vision Shared
- The soldiers who refused to be drafted into a war, Dutch soldiers refusing to go to the Dutch-Indies (now Indonesia) and soldiers who rufused the draft intothe Nazi army in World War II.

- Art, as in paintings and statues that are somehow related to peace.
Also paintings made by childeren.
- There is a growing collection of poems and songs about peace and war.

ADVICE: What advice would you like to give to the Secretary-General and the General Assembly to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the second half of the Decade?

PARTNERSHIPS: What partnerships and networks does your organization participate in, thus strengthening the global movement for a culture of peace?

We are a museum, that originated from the initiatives of Peace-organiations in the Netherlands. The board consists of representatives of these organisations.
We participate in a network of peacemuseums in the world.
Some boardmembers will participate in the international conference of Peace Museums in Guernica in May 2005.

PLANS: What new engagements are planned by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence in the second half of the Decade (2005-2010)?

The message of Peace and Non-violence is our objective.
We try this through the museum on the internet en the travelling exhibitions. We want to improve on how to spread the message and how to get it to the people.
The Museum on the Internet is ofcourse open to everyone in the world, but most texts are in Dutch.

Postal address of organization

Minahassastraat 1
1094 RS Amsterdam

E-mail address of organization


Website address of organization


Highest priority action domain of a culture of peace

Education for a culture of peace

Second priority action domain of a culture of peace

International peace and security

Highest priority country of action (or international)

National, within the Netherlands.

Second priority country of action (or international)

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Organization: Museum voor Vrede en Geweldloosheid, Museum for Peace and Non-Violence

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