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Organization: National College "Vasile Alecsandri", Bacau, Romania
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Posted: May 07 2005,08:12 If you wrote this report, you will find a button here that you may click
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PROGRESS: Has your organization seen progress toward a culture of peace and nonviolence in your domain of action and in your constituency during the first half of the Decade?

As far as progress toward ' a culture of peace in our school' is concerned I can say that I have seen remarkable changes during the last couple of years people being more open- minded. Students and teacher work together as a team to promote and put this concept into facts.

OBSTACLES: What are the most important obstacles that have prevented progress?

The main obstacles are still people's mentality and difficulty to adapt.

ACTIONS: What actions have been undertaken by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the first half of the Decade?

Our school has organized an essay competition on the theme A "Culture of Peace at our School".
Action performed by the following number of
- Students: 24, aged 16-17
- Teachers: 2
- Parents: 4
Out of 24 essays only 3 of them were chosen as winners. Here is one of them, by Alexandra Marola, 16:

The screaming of an ant      

To walk throw the wet grass hearing the voice of the earth and the voice of the sky, uniting you with the universe, but remaining yourself. The world means variety: different cultures, different religions, different races, all reunited under an only name: humanity. It is tried the promoting of a culture of peace and universal peace, but this feeling it's being stopped by some mentalities and prejudices. We live in a world of hate, a selfish world, a world that's always in a hurry, a world in which harmony is completely lacking. Day by day we see bare, lifeless eyes with no soul glitter behind them, looks starving for money and power…

Daily we stomp on sensitive people enlightened minds… The human kind is heading to the abyss … Souls die, vanish… The voice of humanity is like the screaming of an ant. Exactly like in the earliest beginnings of the world there is a fight for survival, for supremacy. The soul ended up with the
last place and drops of life flow in nothingness. Time is running and we don’t care. We live long shallow lives. Feelings are for sale, art started to slowly disappear and the upraising soul is agonizing. We use death as a weapon that is available to anyone and wars became a toy in the hands of power…

“Quo vadis...?” this should be the question. It would be impossible to answer it. Would we know ever again to complete harmony? Humanity will ever again close itself in a ring, or it will form a chain of love? Love means life; from it everything else takes birth… That’s why we should learn
love one another and in a while we should go away from our computers and wash our eyelashes with the dew drops on a leaf from which the life vibrates.

ADVICE: What advice would you like to give to the Secretary-General and the General Assembly to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence during the second half of the Decade?

PARTNERSHIPS: What partnerships and networks does your organization participate in, thus strengthening the global movement for a culture of peace?

The school is part of the Life-Link Friendship-Schools Network

PLANS: What new engagements are planned by your organization to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence in the second half of the Decade (2005-2010)?

Postal address of organization

Str Vasile Alecsandri Nr 37, 5500 Bacau, ROMANIA

E-mail address of organization

Ms.Teona Antochiteona17@yahoo.co.uk

Website address of organization


Highest priority action domain of a culture of peace

Education for a culture of peace

Second priority action domain of a culture of peace

Highest priority country of action (or international)


Second priority country of action (or international)

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Organization: National College "Vasile Alecsandri", Bacau, Romania

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